US State Department publishes annual report on worldwide religious freedom

he US Department of State has now published its 2021 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, setting out the status of religious freedom in each country in the world, International Christian Concern (ICC reports). The USIRF report to Congress found that a number of countries with poor records on religious freedom had made significant improvements: these countries include Morocco, Taiwan and Iraq, ICC said. However, the situation is extremely severe and/or deteriorating in numerous other countries, including Pakistan and Yemen.

US has thrown away 82 million COVID-19 vaccines, CDC

Over 82 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been wasted since the start of the pandemic, including roughly 11% distributed by the federal government, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Trial Begins Over Killing Dutch Journalist

Dutch prosecutors on Tuesday demanded life imprisonment against two men who have gone on trial in the Netherlands over the murder of leading crime reporter Peter R. de Vries.

SBC sex abuse survivors release statement proposing immediate reforms

Following the release of a catastrophic report on the systemic cover-up of sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), seven survivors of such abuse in the denomination have published a statement calling for reform and the immediate implementation of specific measures, including the establishment of a restoration fund for victims, Church Leaders reports.

India States Detain Pastors Over ‘Forced Conversions,’ Death

A pastor and his wife are among the first Christians to face prosecution under controversial anti-conversion legislation that has been introduced in India’s southwestern state of Karnataka, while another couple faces similar charges elsewhere in India. Pastor V. Kuriyachan, 62, and his wife Selenamma, 57, were detained for two weeks shortly after Karnataka’s governor signed the legislation on May 17, for allegedly converting Hindus to Christianity, police and Christians said.

Ukraine Forces Battle In ‘Dead Cities’

Between massive death and destruction, Ukrainian forces were still holding out in the eastern city of Severodonetsk despite being outnumbered by Russian forces, Ukraine’s president said.

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