Myanmar: Save the Children aid group says two members missing since Christmas Eve massacre

The international Save the Children aid organization reported Saturday that two of its members were missing in Myanmar after the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) murdered 35 civilians on Friday and burned the bodies beyond recognition, the Washington Times reports. The slaughter on Christmas Eve was the latest atrocity committed by the Tatmadaw in seeking to control Myanmar and impose Buddhism as the national religion.

China To Control World’s Rare Earths

In a Christmas setback for the United States, China moved to cement its position as the world’s dominant supplier of “rare earth,” 17 minerals for consumer electronics and military equipment.

Russia warns of military action as fears mount of Christmas invasion of Ukraine

Russia upped the ante Monday in its dangerous standoff with Ukraine, openly warning of military action if President Biden and America’s NATO allies ignore a list of demands Moscow announced late last week — a far-reaching list that some key U.S. lawmakers have dubbed a “pretext to war.”

U.S. imposes sanctions against China over abuse of Uyghurs

The Biden administration said Thursday it is imposing new sanctions on several Chinese biotech and surveillance companies and government entities for actions in Xinjiang province, the latest step against Beijing over human rights abuses of Uyghur Muslims in the country’s western region.

Army says nearly 98% got the COVID-19 vaccine by deadline

Nearly 98% of the active duty Army had gotten at least one dose of the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine as of this week’s deadline for the shots, but more than 3,800 soldiers flatly refused and could start being removed from the military next month, officials said Thursday.

New Poll: Nearly 30% of Americans have no Religious Affiliation

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that 29% of US adults say they have no religious affiliation, the Washington Examiner reports. The poll defines those who are unaffiliated as “people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about their religious identity.”

As Army hits mandate deadline, services ponder next moves

The Pentagon reached a tipping point Wednesday as the deadline for soldiers in the U.S. Army, the largest military service, passed to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Troops who refuse the mandatory shots or aren’t in the process of receiving an accepted exemption will find themselves in an administrative limbo until they’re out of the military.

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