Israel Reopens Amid Controversy

Israel reopened most of its economy Sunday as it removed many of its coronavirus lockdown restrictions introduced a year ago, after a controversial vaccination campaign.

Oklahoma House passes bill to prevent forced closure of churches

The Oklahoma House of Representatives has passed a bill that would block state and local government officials from forcing houses of worship to close, even under circumstances like a pandemic, the Christian Post reports. House Bill 2648, the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act, passed by 80-18 votes in the House and now goes to the state Senate for consideration.

$100 trillion in new debt over next 30 years: CBO

The government has opened the spending spigot over the last year to deal with the coronavirus crisis — but the Congressional Budget Office says unless something changes, Uncle Sam’s freewheeling ways will last long after the pandemic is over.

‘I am working on options to keep nuclear weapons out of Iran’s hands’

“We’ll be done with the vaccinations in March, the beginning of April. That’s for the adult population. Then “Then, vaccines for children will start arriving,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells Israel Hayom’s political supplement in a special weekend interview.

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