In Isolated World of Pastors, Churches Mum on Troubling Clergy Suicides

An alarming number of pastors have taken their own lives in the last five years. And despite the increasing prevalence of suicide nationally, and the troubling rates at which the epidemic has been affecting certain groups of clergy, many churches remain silent on the issue.

Syrian jets hit south in first such attacks since truce

Syrian jets struck rebel-held towns in the country’s south on Monday, the first aerial attacks on the area since the United States and Russia brokered a deal making it a ‘de-escalation zone’ last year, rebels and residents said.

China’s hypersonic weapons could sink US aircraft carriers, Pentagon official says

The era of the American aircraft carrier as the premier embodiment of military might could be ending unless the U.S. develops defenses for the next generation of highly maneuverable, super-fast hypersonic weapons under development by Russia and China, the Pentagon’s top weapons researcher said Tuesday.

U.S. leaders at AIPAC hint Middle East peace plan is near

A comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will require compromise from both sides, leading voices from the Trump administration told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this week.

Mueller team looking into possible United Arab Emirates money into Trump campaign: report

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is now purportedly looking into whether the United Arab Emirates, with perhaps help from a top adviser, tried to gain political influence by putting money into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — a tack that would indicate Mueller’s investigation continues to expand beyond whether campaign officials colluded with Russia.

U.S. slams UNHRC on Israel, Iran

The United States on Wednesday slammed the United Nations Human Rights Council for its biased treatment of Israel and for providing a platform to human rights abusers such as Iran.

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