Pentagon unveils policies reversing Trump’s transgender ban

The Pentagon on Wednesday unveiled rules reversing Trump administration policies that largely barred transgender individuals from serving in the military, following through on an executive order President Biden signed shortly after taking office.

Facebook, Instagram Censor Trump Interview Video Off Platforms

The “canceling” of former President Donald Trump continued on Tuesday night as Facebook and Instagram each took down a video of his new on-camera interview with daughter-in-law Lara Trump for her online conservative talk show “The Right View.”

US report reaffirms Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, speaks of occupation

The annual United States report on global human rights practices affirmed that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, but reintroduced language that spoke of Israeli occupation of territory, two-states and gave a nod in the direction of Palestinian Authority rights to sections of Jerusalem.

Colorado Shooting Wrap-Up, Biden Calls for Gun Control

President Joe Biden, responding to the deadly shooting in Boulder, Colorado, that left 10 dead, called for Congress to immediately pass “common sense” gun control measures, including the two bills recently passed by the House.

US and Israel to establish joint team for sharing information on Iran

The US and Israel have decided to establish a new joint team for sharing intelligence about Iran’s nuclear program, the Times of Israel (ToI) reports. The decision to set up a team was made at a meeting led by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and his Israeli counterpart Meir Ben-Shabbat last week, ToI reports.

US on pace to see more migrants at border than in last 20 years

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Tuesday that the US is on pace to see more Central American migrants arriving at the south-western border than it has in the last 20 years. In a written statement on the DHS website, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas said the department is expelling most single adults and families, but is not expelling the surge of unaccompanied minors.

Report: Majority of Americans concerned about migrant surge, amnesty plans

A new Rasmussen Reports survey has shown that 73% of US voters are concerned about the government’s ability to manage the surge of migrants at the border and that 51% of voters are against granting amnesty to millions of undocumented migrants who entered the country illegally.

Iranian foreign minister says US should quickly rejoin Iran deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Monday that the US should quickly rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Iran deal, because the upcoming Iranian elections may hinder any talks about it, the Washington Times reports. The JCPOA is a treaty under which international sanctions on Iran would be removed in exchange for the regime’s adherence to limits on its nuclear program.

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