Donald Trump is set to blow up GOP orthodoxy — again

First Donald Trump antagonized the Republican establishment with his proposals on immigration. Then he irritated some with his stands on trade and Social Security. Now Trump is preparing a tax proposal that will again set him far apart from the party’s powers-that-be.

Iran Churches Warn Of Christmas Raids, Detentions

iran-christianIranian Church leaders have urged prayers for Christians in Iran amid concerns authorities will raid more house churches and detain believers over the Christmas and Western New Year period.

Jailed Iranian Pastor’s Health Deteriorating

iran-christianThe health of a jailed pastor of one of Iran’s largest evangelical house church movements is deteriorating and there were fears Monday he may die, a well-informed representative told Worthy News.

Iran Detains House Church Christians

iran flagIranian security forces have raided a house church and detained 10 members who gathered for a prayer service as part of a winder crackdown, Iranian Christians told Worthy News.

Cuba Drops Charges Against Church Leader

Cuba has released and dropped all charges of “threatening behavior” against a well-known church after his accusers gave contradictory evidence against him, a Christian human rights organization said Monday, September 7.

Cuba Detains Church Leader For “Offensive Bahavior”

A respected church leader in Cuba was unexpectedly arrested on Monday on trumped up charges of “offensive behavior” and “threats” according to a Christian human rights organization.

NEWS ALERT: Wife, Children Of Jailed Cuban Pastor Face Eviction

The wife of jailed Cuban Pastor Omar Gude Perez faced a difficult weekend after authorities reportedly told her that the family home is to be confiscated. The family will be relocated to a significantly smaller apartment in poor conditions outside the city of Camaguey, said advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), which has closely monitored the case.

Cuba Pastor Remains Behind Bars After Losing Appeal Right

There was international disappointment Monday, February 1, that the leader of a growing network of independent churches in Cuba has been denied the right to appeal his six-year prison sentence by the Supreme Tribunal in Havana.

China Increasing Crackdown On House Churches, Report Shows

China’s Communist government increased its crackdown on house churches, detaining hundreds of Christians across the country throughout 2007, according to a new report released Wednesday, February 6.

Uzbekistan: Police Seek Missing Pastors of ‘Unregistered’ Churches

Salavat Serikbayev, 32, and Makset Djabbarbergenov, 26, did not make their court date on Monday (February 26) in the regional capital of Nukus to face charges of leading an unregistered religious meeting. The pastors declined to make public the reason for their absence from court.

Vietnamese Authorities Offer Pastor Freedom for Confession

The Rev. Nguyen Hong Quang was working at a labor camp machine used to extract cashew nuts on August 9 when he was approached by high prison officials. They told him he would be moved immediately to another prison.

2 Christians killed, others tortured in Chinese government crackdown

Two Christians have been killed in the Chinese government’s crackdown on pastor Gong Shengliang and his South China Church in central Hubei Province, according to a letter from members of the underground church revealing graphic details and new information about the persecution.

Worthy Christian News