Full Coverage: Israel Accepts Egyptian Proposed Ceasefire, Hamas Rejects

Israel accepted a Egyptian proposed ceasefire that went into effect at 9 AM, while Hamas’ armed wing rejected the offer completely saying it was “surrender.” If the ceasefire does not hold, Israel vowed to respond in force. Over the seven days of Operation Protective Edge, Israel has struck over 1,500 terrorist related targets in the Gaza Strip.

ISIS Likely to have U.S. Made Stinger Missiles

Last week, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Greater Syria) (ISIS) seized several Iraqi army bases, and captured two weapons depots full of U.S. made military equipment.

Ayatollah Khamenei Takes to Twitter to Bash Israel

On Wednesday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took to Twitter to vehemently attack Israel and called the Jewish state a “fake nation” and the “most wicked terrorists.”

Summer Camp for Junior Jihadis?

kid-terroristTailor-made for the children of the Gaza Strip, a summer camp in Rafah tries to transform would-be warriors into tomorrow’s terrorists, according to the UK’s Mail.

Syria Christians Attacked Ahead Of Presidential Speech

Beleaguered Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was to deliver a speech on Sunday, January 6, a day after rights activists said a shell hit a Christian area of Damascus and a car bomb exploded elsewhere in the Syrian capital.

62-year-old Missionary Shot in Pakistan

blankA Protestant missionary remains in critical condition in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, after she was shot by gunmen multiple times Tuesday.

9/11: Atheists and Islamists vs. Christianity

world tradeAlthough America is on alert against terrorists every Sept. 11, on this anniversary, the threats are now coming from domestic atheists after the Christian Cross as well as Muslim clerics in Cairo burning Bibles.

Mosul Iraq’s ‘Most Dangerous City’ For Christians

Mosul is now one of the most violent cities in Iraq with Christians and other minorities singled out for attacks and thousands continue to flee from the troubled nation, a Christian group said Thursday, August 16.

Pakistani intel interrogator: Osama’s wives gave little away

blankEven after his death, Osama bin Laden’s three wives remained faithful to their terrorist spouse and gave little away when they were questioned after the al-Qaida head was killed in a US raid more than a year ago, according to a Pakistani intelligence agent who interrogated them.

Suspect in Ortiz Bombing Fit To Stand Trial

The “Jewish terrorist” who tried to murder members of an Israeli Messianic family on account of their faith has been declared fit to stand trial.

Church Attack in Northern Iraq Wounds 23

Although security forces found and disabled two cars packed with explosives in northern Iraq Tuesday, a third exploded outside a Christian church, wounding 23 people.

The “Christian” Terrorist Who Wasn’t Very Christian

norway terrroristAnders Behring Breivik’s 1,500-page manifesto shows that the Norwegian terrorist’s depiction as a “right-wing, Christian fundamentalist” by many in the mass media may be as inaccurate as that of their so-called “Christian” bomber, Oklahoma City terrorist Tim McVeigh.

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