Who is the Enemy?

Listening via television to evangelist Billy Graham’s stirring words of spiritual comfort and encouragement at the national prayer and memorial service in Washington DC on Friday, I recalled that the last time I saw the towering World Trade Center was the same day I spoke at his ministry headquarters in Minneapolis. It was a great honor to address his staff of over 300 dedicated workers last August 6 just before boarding a plane to Newark airport on my way back to my home at the center of the world, Jerusalem Israel.

Turkish Court Releases Jailed Christian in Southeast

An Assyrian Christian arrested a month ago for taking home videos in an ancient churchyard in Turkey’s heavily militarized Southeast was ordered released today by Diyarbakir’s State Security Court.

Israel Retaliates Striking a Syrian Radar Station

Israeli warplanes attacked a Syrian radar station in eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley today, in retaliation for an attack by Islamic Hizbollah guerillas on Friday that seriously wounded an Israeli soldier.

Land of the Pyramids Hinders Christian Outreach

Inescapably intertwined with Bible history, Egypt and much of her history has had great impact over the years on Judaism, then Christianity. From Joseph being appointed as second-in-command to Pharaoh, to Moses leading the Jews through the wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula, to the infant Jesus and His family seeking refuge, the stories are familiar to us. Egypt’s recorded history dates back to 3200 BC. This land that straddles parts of two continents–Africa and Asia–rose to world wide prominence as a series of Pharaohs who ruled the Land of the Nile oversaw incredible feats of engineering that resulted in the … Read more

Iraq’s Long-Suffering Christian Community

For many Western Christians, the mention of “Iraq” gives rise to mental images of Saddam Hussein and the Gulf War. Few realize that there are Christians in Iraq and that those Christians have arguably suffered more from the U.N. sanctions imposed after the 1991 war than from government oppression.

Bush Government Retreats: The American Embassy Will Not Be Move to Jerusalem

Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem

Yesterday (February 5, 2001) the American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, retreated from Bush’s campaign promise to start moving the Embassy of the United States from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Bush had promised that his first step on taking office would be to move the Embassy.

UN Says Lebanon Water Project Is Minor Diversion

There were calls in recent days for calmer heads to prevail over the building of a water pumping station along a tributary of the upper Jordan River on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Syria Mounting Bid For Seat on UN Security Council

A diplomatic dogfight is taking shape at the United Nations, as Israel ponders how to foil Syria’s drive to become one of the ten non-permanent members of the Security Council.

Iran and Syria View Israel as Vulnerable

Syrian dictator Bashar Assad concluded his first official visit to Tehran on Thursday by agreeing with his Iranian hosts that Israel and her US ally currently are in a period of weakness that should be exploited on behalf of the Palestinians.

Lebanese Christians protest Syrian occupation

JERUSALEM, Israel, 22 June 2000 (Newsroom) — Maronite Christians are openly challenging Syria’s presence in Lebanon in protests that are unprecedented since their Arab neighbor crushed the Lebanese Forces Christian militia at the end of Lebanon’s civil war in 1989.

Worthy Christian News