In trilateral Jerusalem summit, Russia sides with Iran, against Israel and US

Russia’s top national security adviser spoke out on behalf of Iran during trilateral meetings with his Israeli and American counterparts in Jerusalem on Tuesday, backing Tehran’s claims against the United States and supporting its ongoing military presence in Syria, which Israel sees as a threat to its security.

IDF said to increase alert amid Iran tensions

The IDF has reportedly stepped up its alert status amid concerns that Iran could try and harm Israel as tensions between Tehran and Washington spiral, Channel 12 reported Sunday.

ISIS Bomb Plot Against Pittsburgh Church Foiled by FBI

A 21-year-old Syrian refugee from Pittsburgh was arrested on a federal complaint Wednesday, after discussions with undercover FBI officials uncovered a plot to bomb a North Pittsburgh church in the name of ISIS.

Russia-Iran strain raises possibility of US-Israel-Russia Syria deal

While few expect the advisors’ meeting this month in Jerusalem to produce immediate results, American and Israeli officials hope that it could prepare the ground for a deal that would further weaken Russian ties to Iran and reduce, if not terminate, Iran’s presence in Syria.

Netanyahu: Iran’s foreign minister is lying

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the Iranian foreign minister of ‘lying’ on Monday and said he would never ‘allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons that threaten our existence and endanger the entire world.’

Russia prepares ‘crushing’ offensive in Syria

Russian forces are preparing a military operation to help Syrian dictator Bashar Assad reclaim the last major cities held by rebel forces and terrorists, according to Moscow’s top diplomat.

US to press Russia for help countering Iran in Syria

A senior official in the Trump administration on Tuesday said that the US was going to tell Russia that Iran should withdraw from Syria, and ask for Moscow’s suggestions on how to counter Tehran’s influence in the region.

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