Arab Christian Blocked From Leaving Sudan

ISTANBUL, January 30 (Compass) — A Sudanese convert to Christianity was refused permission to board a flight to Uganda this morning at the Khartoum airport, where state security police said their computers identified him as a criminal.

Largest Public Outreach by Christians in Afghanistan

LAKE FOREST, CA (ANS) — “Advent in Afghanistan” may have been the largest public outreach by Christians to students in the history of Afghanistan. It began when Norm and Cher Nelson, from the radio ministry, Compassion Radio, accepted an invitation to take the experience of Christmas to 30,000 school children in 49 schools in an historic region of Afghanistan during late November and early December 2002.

Attacks Against Sudanese Civilians in Southern Sudan Overwhelm a Small Hospital in Nimule

Sudanese civilians living in the Western Nile Region of Southern Sudan have been deliberately targeted and displaced by Islamic Government Forces and militia (see “U.S. condemns abuses against civilians in Sudan” Associated Press, 2/11/03). Many have fled to the town of Nimule, where Operation Nehemiah operates a newly acquired hospital.

Christians Attacked and Killed by Islamic Fanatics in Nigeria

Christians in the Plateau State of central Nigeria have been killed and forced from their land by extremist Islamic militants.

Attacks have been mounted against Christians in the area surrounding Jos, leaving several dead and many more wounded and displaced.

Sudan Amputates Chrstian’s Hand for Theft

ISTANBUL, March 6 (Compass) — The government of Sudan amputated a Southern Sudanese Christian’s right hand for alleged theft in late January, furthering evidence that the Islamist regime has begun enacting harsh Muslim punishments against both Christian and Muslim citizens within the past three months.

Graham stands by statement calling Islam ‘wicked’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (BP) — Evangelist Franklin Graham is not backing away from his statements aired on a national news program that Islam is “wicked, violent and not of the same god.”

Danforth appointment marks positive step on Sudan

The appointment of former Senator John Danforth as special envoy to Sudan could result in positive action, according to The Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry organization focussed on serving the persecuted church.

Who is the Enemy?

Listening via television to evangelist Billy Graham’s stirring words of spiritual comfort and encouragement at the national prayer and memorial service in Washington DC on Friday, I recalled that the last time I saw the towering World Trade Center was the same day I spoke at his ministry headquarters in Minneapolis. It was a great honor to address his staff of over 300 dedicated workers last August 6 just before boarding a plane to Newark airport on my way back to my home at the center of the world, Jerusalem Israel.

Land of the Pyramids Hinders Christian Outreach

Inescapably intertwined with Bible history, Egypt and much of her history has had great impact over the years on Judaism, then Christianity. From Joseph being appointed as second-in-command to Pharaoh, to Moses leading the Jews through the wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula, to the infant Jesus and His family seeking refuge, the stories are familiar to us. Egypt’s recorded history dates back to 3200 BC. This land that straddles parts of two continents–Africa and Asia–rose to world wide prominence as a series of Pharaohs who ruled the Land of the Nile oversaw incredible feats of engineering that resulted in the … Read more

Facing Persecution in Khartoum

KHARTOUM, Sudan (Compass) — Every Friday, during the Muslim holy day, a special group of Christians meet in a house.

U.S. religious freedom commission urges stronger action in Sudan

WASHINGTON (ABP) — Amid reports of worsening religious-freedom abuses in the Sudan, a United States commission is urging the Bush administration to mount a comprehensive and sustained campaign to pressure the Muslim-dominated government to improve its record on human rights.

Bill would urge peace, relief efforts in Sudan

WASHINGTON (BP)–Legislation designed to further the United States’ involvement in helping end a Sudanese campaign marked by religious persecution has been reintroduced in Congress.

Sudanese Government Troops Gang-Rape Black African Slaves

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA, (December 22, 2000) — Soldiers of the Government of Sudan’s Popular Defense Forces (PDF) systematically gang-raped enslaved black African women and girls during and after slave raids on villages in Southern Sudan. This report is according to the testimonies of numerous redeemed slaves, which was documented by Christian Solidarity International (CSI), and independent researchers.

Sudan’s Armed Forces Enslave More Black African Women and Children

Westlake Village, CA (October 18, 2000) The Government of Sudan’s Popular Defense Forces (PDF.) have again raided villages in Aweil West County of Northern Bahr-El-Ghazal. In one village alone, Goc Machar, they enslaved at least 21 black African women and children on October 7, 2000, according to the Civil Commissioner of Aweil West County, Simon Wol.

International Aid Sending Medicines, Food to Sudan

SPRING LAKE, MI (December 4, 2000) – A bitter civil war and famine conditions have devastated the people in Sudan, Africa. International Aid has responded to the tremendous needs of the Sudanese people by shipping such relief supplies as vitamins, medicines, food and personal care items.

Worthy Christian News