India Police Detain Bishops In Dalit March

Several bishops were detained Friday, March 5, in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu where police halted a protest march against the alleged discrimination of Dalit Christians here and elsewhere in this mainly Hindu nation, Christian officials said.

Iran Detains Christian Couple

Iranian Christians on Monday, March 1, were searching a Christian couple after they were detained by Iranian security forces for apparently leading an unauthorized house church, Worthy News and its news partner BosNewsLife learned.

NEWS ALERT: Street Preachers Killed In United States

A religious liberty group warned Saturday, February 6, that “Anti-Christian hostility is getting increasingly deadly” in the United States after two street preachers were shot and killed by a teenager who apparently opposed their message.

BREAKING NEWS: India State Removes Christian Refugees Ahead Of EU Visit

Authorities in India’s state of Orissa have forced nearly 100 survivors of anti-Christian violence to leave a local market complex where they stayed since the closure of refugee camps, Christians and officials told Worthy News, Thursday, February 4.

Islamists Burn, Loot Algerian Church

Islamists burned and looted a Protestant church in northern Algeria in an attack that was fueled by violence against Christians elsewhere in the Muslim and Arab world, church officials said Monday, January 11.

Algeria Mob Prevents Protestant Church Services

Tensions remained high in a northern Algerian city Monday, January 3, after a Muslim mob reportedly prevented Christian converts from holding a Christmas service and threatened to kill their church pastor.

BREAKING NEWS: North Korean Christians: ‘Children Die On Streets’

Christians in North Korea said Wednesday, November 25, a massive famine has broken in their autocratic-ruled nation with many children “dying” while security forces send malnourished people to prison camps for not joining “100 days of battle.”


URGENT BREAKING NEWS: Iran To Release Detained Christian Women

Two young Christian women who faced execution or at least life imprisonment in Iran for converting from Islam to Christianity were to be released as early as Tuesday, November 17, after international pressure and prayers, their representatives told Worthy News and its partner agency BosNewsLife.

NEWS WATCH: US VP Warns Europe of Missile Threats

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has called on America’s European allies to step-up their defense efforts, saying they the face growing security threats from outside Europe.

Iranian Women Demand Release Christian Converts

Women dressed in white have gathered outside the Iranian embassy in London as part of a prayer vigil to highlight the plight of two female Christian converts from Islam who have been held at Evin Prison in Teheran “without charge”for the last six months, organizers said.

Hungary Marks Anniversary of Beginning of Collapse of Iron Curtain (Feature)

Hungary is marking the 20th anniversary of it decision to allow tens of thousands East Germans to cross the Hungarian border and flee to the West. It was a risky decision that contributed to the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Former refugees from then-communist East Germany and aid workers still recall the often traumatic experiences that preceded the mass exodus to freedom.

Worthy Christian News