Nigeria: Christians in Zamfara state warned to close churches or be attacked

An unnamed group has contacted Christians in Nigeria’s Zamfara state, telling them to close their churches or risk being subjected to “ferocious attacks,” International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. As Islamic militants continue to slaughter and terrorize thousands of Nigeria’s Christians, the country has been ranked number one in the world for believers murdered on account of their faith.

Nigeria “killing field for Christians:” Fulani militants murder 10 Christians, burn 100 homes

Fulani jihadist herdsmen murdered 10 more Christians in Nigeria’s Plateau state at one o’clock in the morning on Friday, during an attack on Ta’agbe village, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. In its annual report this year, the US Commission on Religious Freedom (USCRF) warned that Nigeria is becoming a “killing field for Christians” at the hands of jihadist militants.

Rights groups outraged as Blinken removes Nigeria from US list of countries tolerating or promoting religious violence

Christian and government organizations have expressed fury at last week’s decision by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to remove Nigeria from a US list of countries identified as allowing or engaging in violent persecution of minority faith groups, Politico reports. Outrage at Blinken’s decision follows the bipartisan US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) 2021 report in which Nigeria is described as a “killing field for Christians.”

Cameroon: Boko Haram murders four civilians in area known for attacks on Christians

Boko Haram terrorists on Wednesday murdered at least four civilians in the far north of Cameroon, a region where Christians are frequently attacked by Islamic militants who want to rid the nation of “infidels,” International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Cameroon ranks 42 on the US Open Doors Watch List 2021 of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Nigeria Gunmen Kill Two At Church Service

Christians were grieving Tuesday after two believers were reportedly killed in an attack on a church service in Nigeria’s southern Kaduna state.

Nigeria: Fulani herdsmen murder Evangelist who “positively impacted thousands of lives for Christ”

As the murder of Christians in Nigeria continues unabated, on October 14 Dr. Habila Solomon, a beloved pastor and evangelist, was shot dead at his home in Taraba state by suspected Muslim Fulani militants, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. At least 3,462 Christians were murdered by Islamic militants from January to July 2021 alone; the majority of these murders were carried out by Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists.

Nigeria: Boko Haram attack Christian community, murder two; “please pray”

Boko Haram Islamic terrorists murdered two Christians and set many homes on fire during an October 5 attack on a Christian community in Chibok in Nigeria’s Borno state, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Over 3,400 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants this year.

Nigeria “killing field”: Fulani militants murder two Christians and child

The slaughter of Christians by Islamic extremists in Nigeria continues: on Friday 15 October, Fulani militants murdered a father and his 8-year old son together with the driver for a representative of rights organization International Christian Concern (ICC) as the three traveled on a motorbike in Plateau state, ICC reports. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its annual report this year that Nigeria is becoming a killing field for Christians.

Nigeria: Six more Christians murdered by Fulani jihadists

Fulani jihadist herdsmen are continuing their slaughter of believers in Nigeria, killing six more Christians in Plateau state between October 1-5, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Rights group Open Doors recently reported Nigeria as having the highest numbers of Christians murdered on account of their faith; the international community has largely remained silent.

Nigeria “killing field for Christians:” Elderly Christian man killed during rescue operation

A 78-year-old Christian man in Nigeria’s Kogi state was killed Saturday during a rescue operation to free him from his Fulani herdsmen abductors, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Julius Oshadumo was among an estimated 3,000 Christians abducted by jihadists in Nigeria this year; he died on the same day that Fulani militants murdered three other Christians in Kogi state.

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