Over 80 Killed in Benue State, Nigeria in January

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that more than 80 Christians have been killed in Benue State, Nigeria by Fulani militants since January 1. These attacks have mainly taken place in two locations within the state, Logo and Guma Counties. Logo saw more than 50 deaths in just the first week of the new year by Fulani attacks, while Guma suffered more than 30.

Christians killed globally for faith at Christmas

The deaths of nearly 150 Christians have been reported in targeted attacks on religious minorities in Nigeria, Cairo and India during the 2017 Christmas season, according to various reports from religious liberty advocates and news agencies.

Suicide bomber kills 50 in Nigeria in mosque attack

A suicide bomber killed at least 50 people in northeastern Nigeria on Tuesday (November 21) in an attack on a mosque which bore the hallmarks of a faction of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.

Christian Missionary Killed in Nigeria

The British government on Monday announced the death of one Christian missionary who had been abducted in Nigeria last month and said three other missionaries had been freed.

Nigeria: Pastor decries killings by Boko Haram

A bishop of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria said that Boko Haram has killed thousands of his denomination’s members, destroyed most of his churches and left many of his pastors without a congregation, according to the Christian Post.

Nigeria: Muslim Herdsmen Helping Jihadists

The killing of Christians by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria’s middle belt has become part of a jihadist movement to both steal the region’s natural resources and displace its Christian population.

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