Germany To Deliver Tanks To Ukraine

In a historic turnaround, Germany says it will deliver 15-anti aircraft “Gepard” tanks backed by trainers to Ukraine. It is a remarkable move for a nation still reeling from World War Two.

Russia Claims A Victory Amid Concerns About Churches In Ukraine

U.S President Joe Biden rushed to sign a new $40 billion package of military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine Saturday as Russia claimed its most significant military victory in Ukraine so far, capturing Mariupol. Russia’s claim came after a nearly three-month siege that reduced much of the strategic port city of Mariupol to a smoking ruin in fighting that also impacted churches.

ICE data shows dramatic drop in deportations under Joe Biden

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data shows the Biden administration is removing far fewer illegal immigrants than former President Donald Trump, despite also having record numbers of illegal migrant encounters on the Southern Border.

WHO In Emergency Over Monkeypox Cases

The World Health Organisation (WHO) was in an emergency meeting Friday to discuss the “largest and most widespread” outbreak of monkeypox “ever seen in Europe” and North America.

‘EU Digital Identity To Impact Christians’

The European Union reportedly tests a digital identity program for its citizens this year that critics fear could lead to the continent’s “Chinafication,” where Christians suffer.

Nearly half of US pastors find congregants’ political views a challenge

A new poll by Lifeway Research has found that almost half of US Protestant pastors find their congregants’ political views and opinions about “nonessentials” a significant challenge in their ministry, Christian Headlines (CH) reports. Congregants’ political views ranked second only to apathy/lack of commitment on pastors’ list of most challenging things to deal with in ministry, the poll found.

Worthy Christian News