“One Wall for One People”

western-wallLast year Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tasked Natan Sharansky to redesign the area of the Temple Mount so as to accommodate both traditional and liberal Jews wishing to pray at the Wailing Wall, considered by Judaism to be the last remnant of the Second Temple on Mount Moriah.

Christians join Jews to express support for Israel

christian-support-israelPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Pastor John Hagee and radio personality Glenn Beck all spoke to Israel’s Christian supporters during the sixth annual “Christians United for Israel” summit at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C..

Documents link latest Gaza Flotilla Organizers to Terror

Gaza StripAlthough organizers of the Gaza flotilla claim they have no connection to terror, IDF military intelligence has evidence that reveals flotilla organizers received significant funding from groups that support Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Traditional Values Coalition Joins Israel Solidarity Rally In Washington, DC

Washington, DC – This afternoon, Traditional Values Coalition Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon will join with thousands of Christians, Jews, and other religious groups in an Israel Solidarity Rally to be held at the U.S. Capitol Building between 1-3 p.m. An estimated 50,000 Israel supporters will participate in this event. Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to be the featured speaker at this event.

Netanyahu on Track for Rematch with Barak

Friends and even foes of former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu are smoothing the way for him to timely mount a challenge against current premier Ehud Barak in a special election in early February. The remaining quandry, however, is whether the Knesset also will dissolve itself and allow voters to truly reflect the huge rightward shift in Israeli public opinion caused by Camp David and the Palestinian uprising.

Worthy Christian News