Iraqi Christian community under threat of extinction

An international humanitarian aid organization has said Christians living in the formerly ISIS-controlled Nineveh Plains of Iraq are now in danger of extinction, the Christian Post reports. Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) published a report this week in which it states that political and sectarian tensions are driving Christians out of the area.

Hamas naval commander, suspected ‘collaborator,’ flees Gaza to Israel

A senior naval commander in the armed wing of the Hamas terror group, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, fled the Gaza Strip to Israel after suspicions arose that he was working for Israel as a so-called “collaborator,” according to unsourced reports in the Palestinian media.

More explosions in Iran

Further explosions were reported Thursday night at yet another sensitive site in Iran, the Jerusalem Post reports. The latest in a series of blasts at industrial and infrastructural areas in Iran, Thursday’s explosions reportedly took place at an Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRG) missile depot west of Tehran.

Poland Voters Elect President As Country Seeks Direction

People in Poland went to the polls Sunday in what commentators called a razor-blade-close presidential election runoff amid a coronavirus pandemic. Voters were deciding whether to give another chance to the current conservative President Andrzej Duda, or to make the liberal mayor of Warsaw the next head-of-state.

Eritrea Detains Dozens Of Christians

Dozens of Christians have been detained in Eritrea in the latest government crackdown on devoted believers, advocacy representatives said Friday.

Turkey Expels Foreign Christians In Crackdown

Turkey is expelling foreign Christians as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seeks to increase support from conservative Islamic leaders, rights investigators told Worthy News.

Media must do more to report on murderous violence against Christians in Nigeria

The EYN Church of the Brethren, the largest Christian denomination in northeast Nigeria, has reported that over 8,370 of its members have been killed and more than 700,000 displaced by Boko Haram terrorists in the country, CSW News reports. In a statement made on July 2, EYN National President Reverend Joel Billi said that from the end of 2019 to June 2020 alone there had been fifty attacks on different communities – and that these were largely “unreported or under-reported by both the print and electronic media.”

Russia says Turkey tested its S-400s on US F-16 jets

Turkey, a member of NATO, tested the Russian-made S-400 air defense system on US-made F-16 jets during a drill in November 2019, Russia’s state media TASS has reported. The use of the S-400 against the F-16s was already reported last year, but the new details from Russian media appear to cement the claim and infer that something more was going on in those tests.

US notifies UN of withdrawal from World Health Organization

The Trump administration has formally notified the United Nations of its withdrawal from the World Health Organization, although the pullout won’t take effect until next year, meaning it could be rescinded under a new administration or if circumstances change.

Another explosion in Iran

The latest in a series of unexplained blasts at sensitive sites in Iran, a further explosion reportedly killed two people and injured three at a factory in Tehran early Tuesday morning, the Times of Israel (ToI) reports. A local governor stated the blast was caused by human error but some have suggested it may be part of sustained sabotage campaign.

EU’s Executive Regrets Its President’s Support For Croatian Ruling Party

The European Union’s executive has apologized after its leader threw her support behind the victorious ruling conservative party in Croatia’s parliamentary elections. Ursula von der Leyen, the German president of the European Commission, appeared with other center-right politicians in a promotional video clip posted by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party.

France and Other Governments Pressured over Coronavirus Response

A French court has launched an inquiry into the alleged mishandling by the outgoing French government of the coronavirus pandemic. The announcement comes while elsewhere in Europe, and the former Soviet Union, tensions also rise over the way leaders deal with the crisis.

Messianic channel Shelanu considering legal action against chairman of Israel’s broadcasting council

The directors of GOD TV’s Messianic channel Shelanu are considering legal action against Israel’s media oversight council for falsely and publically accusing them of using deception to obtain their broadcasting license. Shelanu’s license was revoked after the chairman of Israel’s Council for Cable and Satellite Broadcasting wrongly stated the channel had presented its target audience as Christians when its actual purpose was to reach Jewish audiences with the Gospel.

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