Mideast Quartet expresses concern over West Bank violence, PA financial crisis

The so-called Quartet of Middle East mediators urged Israel and the Palestinians on Thursday to address an array of challenges — ongoing violence in the West Bank, the advancement of new settlement units in Palestinian territories, and “the untenable fiscal crisis within the Palestinian Authority.”

Oklahoma Guard commander defends rejecting vaccine mandate as Pentagon warns troops who refuse

The Oklahoma National Guard’s commanding general Wednesday defended his directive countermanding federal requirements that all U.S. military personnel be vaccinated against the coronavirus, telling troops in a private town hall event that he was following orders from the state’s Republican governor and meant no disrespect to his superiors at the Pentagon.

Chinese military now set for invasion of Taiwan, says Hill commission

China‘s military now is capable of a full-scale invasion of Taiwan and has added new missiles and amphibious ships to the People’s Liberation Army for an attack on the island democracy, according to the latest annual report of a congressional China commission.

Oklahoma: Julius Jones facing execution today despite parole board clemency recommendations, Pastor says “we will exhibit our faith”

Death row inmate Julius Jones faces execution today unless Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt follows parole board recommendations to grant clemency and commute his sentence to life imprisonment, AP reports. The Oklahoma Pardons and Parole board has twice voted for clemency, saying there are doubts about the evidence that led to Jones’ conviction for the 1999 shooting of Oklahoma businessman Paul Howell.

Isolated Christians Turn To Satellite TV

A global Christian broadcaster says “isolated Christians” in the Middle East and North Africa use visual and digital technology to keep their faith alive amid mounting persecution.

Iran Pastor Starts Serving 5 Year Prison Term

A pastor from Iran’s main evangelical house church movement was behind bars Friday after he was summoned to start serving a five-year jail sentence, his supporters confirmed.

US envoy to Iran to arrive in Israel next week

The US Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley is set to arrive in Israel next week ahead of the resumption of talks on the Iran nuclear deal, Hebrew media reported on Thursday.

Pakistan Muslims Shoot Christians; Nine Injured

Christians in Pakistan’s Punjab province are recovering from injuries after Muslims opened fire, wounding at least nine people in a land dispute, Worthy News learned Wednesday.

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