Pakistan Christians Help Family Of Raped, Killed Widow
Christians in Pakistan said Tuesday they will support five orphans left behind after their widowed mother was gang raped and killed by five suspected Muslim men, now in custody.
Christians in Pakistan said Tuesday they will support five orphans left behind after their widowed mother was gang raped and killed by five suspected Muslim men, now in custody.
Christians in several parts of Nigeria were reeling Thursday from new attacks by Islamic fighters who reportedly torched homes and killed Christians, including a pregnant woman.
Some 13 Christian families in India’s central state of Chhattisgarh spent Christmas outside their homes after being beaten and expelled from a village for refusing to deny their faith in Christ, several sources said.
Christians have appealed for prayers and advocacy on behalf of Rhoda Ya’u Jatau, a woman detained in Nigeria since May for posting protests against the killing of a Christian student on social media.
A Christian leader has been released after spending four years in a Chinese prison for his involvement in a banned church, but concerns remain about other jailed church members, Worthy News learned Thursday.
In a years-long spate of deadly attacks, six more Christian farmers in Nigeria’s Benue state were murdered by Fulani Islamic terrorist herdsmen in recent weeks, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.
The world and the Church were largely silent as almost 6,000 Christians around the globe were murdered by Islamic jihadists in 2022, most of them in Africa, Israeli journalist Hananya Naftali reports for the Christian Post.
Christians belonging to the Chaldean Catholic Church and Assyrian Church of the East denominations in Iran have been threatened by state security forces not to join the ongoing nationwide anti-regime protests or even to post support for the uprising on social media, on pain of arrests and persecution, the Christian Post reports.
An Algerian Christian man has now been sentenced to three years in prison on account of his faith after having been brought back from Tunisia against his will in 2021, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
Radicalized Hindu nationalists in India’s Chhattisgarh state carried out a series of violent riots earlier this month, attacking Christian communities in 20 villages during the run-up to Christmas, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.
The ancient pool of Siloam, first mentioned in the biblical book of Kings II, will be fully excavated and opened to the public, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Tuesday.
Christians in northwestern Nigeria faced a bloodstained Christmas after Islamic gunmen killed scores of Christian villagers, residents and authorities said.
Authorities in military-ruled Myanmar have detained a prominent church leader who previously served as the president of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) denomination in the country’s Kachin state, Christians say.
An Islamic extremist in Sudan’s military is suspected of having burned down the building of a Sudanese Church of Christ congregation in Al Qadarif state last week, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.
An entire church congregation of 62 Chinese Christians who left China three years ago to escape government persecution are now in Thailand and applying for refugee status in the United States, CBN News reports.
Muslim extremists in central Uganda violently attacked a Christian teacher and his son, after first terrorizing the man’s wife in their home, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda but there have been an increasing number of attacks on former Muslims who turn to Christ by Islamist extremists enraged at their conversion.
A new poll by Pew research shows that half of self-professed U.S. Christians, and 39% of all Americans – religious or otherwise – believe “we are living in the End Times,” the Christian Post (CP) reports.
Continuing its onslaught against non-Buddhist minority faith groups, the Myanmar military junta killed a seven-year-old child and two other people in an attack on the historic Christian village of Mon Hla in the Sagaing region on November 23, the Barnabas Fund reports.
With a new children’s book out that celebrates family, faith, and biblical wisdom, actor-writer-producer Kirk Cameron cannot reach scores of American children or their families in many U.S. cities via the public library system because over 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf.
The California Supreme Court has determined that Calvary Chapel Church in Santa Clara County does not have to pay the $217,500 in fines imposed by the state for violating COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the Christian Post (CP) reports.