Kenya Christians Call for Greater Protection From al-Shabaab Terrorists

Christians in Kenya’s Lamu West Sub County are calling for greater government protection after suspected al-Shabaab jihadist terrorists attacked Marafa and Poromoko villages, beheading an elderly man and destroying 10 homes on Saturday, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Myanmar: Christians suffer fresh wave of persecution from military junta

Myanmar continues to be wracked by the latest in a decades-long stream of civil wars, and the country’s Christians are facing a fresh wave of violent persecution from the Buddhist extremist Tatmadaw military dictatorship, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Pakistan: Christian Man Murdered by Islamic Neighbor

Amid the ongoing violent persecution of believers in Pakistan, a young Christian man was murdered by a Muslim neighbor in Punjab Province earlier this month for no apparent reason other than his faith in Christ, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Anti-Christian Hate Crimes Have Increased Across Europe, Report Shows

A new report shows that the number of documented anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe rose to 749 incidents across 30 countries last year. The data was released by the Austria-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians (OIDAC) in the 2022/23 issue of its annual report on anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe.

US Football Coach Fired After Baptisms

A high school football coach in the U.S. state of Georgia weighed his options Saturday after he was fired amid outrage over a mass baptism he organized for players on school grounds.

Gaza Muslim Men Turn To Christ

Numerous Muslim men” in war-ravaged Gaza have accepted “Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior” after seeing Jesus in their dreams, Christians with knowledge about the situation say.

Worthy Christian News