U.S. eyes building on Arab-Israel deals to end Gulf crisis

The Trump administration is hoping to capitalize on agreements to be signed this week between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain by pressing for an end to a dispute that has roiled relations between the Gulf Arab countries.

Some Arab Leaders Awaiting US Election Results Before Normalizing Ties With Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will join Emirati leaders in Washington on Sept. 15 to attend an official signing ceremony for the historic Israel-UAE peace agreement. Excitement over the deal is running high among many Israelis, but some Arab states are waiting for the outcome of the US November elections before making any moves.

Trump: ‘Historic 9/11 Agreement Between Bahrain and Israel’

On the anniversary of the worst-ever Islamic acts of terrorism, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a hopeful “historic breakthrough to further peace in the Middle East” with Bahrain establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel.

Netanyahu bashes AG as justice officials said weighing if PM must step down

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, the state prosecution and police on Wednesday evening, questioning the conduct of law enforcement and calling for an independent probe, after a news report claimed law enforcement officials covered up a serious conflict of interest by one of the investigators into his cases so as not to derail the corruption investigations into the premier.

Arab League drops resolution condemning UAE-Israel deal

The Arab League rejected on Wednesday a Palestinian proposal condemning the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a Palestinian diplomatic source said on Wednesday according to Middle East news agencies.

A pipeline built for Iran may turn Israel into a major crude oil transportation hub

Following the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, it is possible the UAE will make use of a crude oil pipeline originally built by Israel and pre-revolution Iran – and turn Israel into a major center for the transport of oil between regions, 246 Mag reports. In using the pipeline, the UAE could bypass transporting oil through the Suez Canal and save a great deal of money on shipping costs.

Iran and Turkey forming “strong foundation” for “cooperation”

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are working toward forming a “strong foundation” for future, high level “cooperation,” the leaders’ respective national media have reported. The Turkish and Iranian media reports followed a video conference the two leaders held on Tuesday, the Jerusalem Post said.

Palestinian leaders: Disabled access to Tomb of Patriarchs is ‘war crime’

Palestinian leaders have described plans by Israel to install wheelchair access at the Tomb of the Patriarchs as “tantamount to igniting a religious war in the region and in the world,” and a “war crime,” and have called for a third intifada in response. The changes will make the site more accessible for Jews and Muslims alike.

Law enforcement said to have covered up conflicts of interest in Netanyahu probe

Senior law enforcement officials have filed a complaint with the state comptroller in recent days alleging that senior police officers and the state prosecutor engaged in a wide-spread cover-up of a serious conflict of interest by one of the investigators into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, in order not to derail the corruption investigations into the premier, Channel 12 reported Monday.

President of Malawi resolves to open “diplomatic mission” in Jerusalem

The recently elected president of Malawi announced Friday that the country had resolved to open a “new diplomatic mission in Jerusalem, Israel.” It is presumed this mission will be an embassy, the Jerusalem Post reports. If President Lazarus Chakwera goes ahead with his resolve, Malawi would be the first African nation to have an embassy or diplomatic office in Jerusalem.

Hamas and Hezbollah seek global terror front against Israel

Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh recently met Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a widely expected meeting. It was designed to showcase that the two terrorist groups can meet openly as if they are governments of two countries.

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