Jerusalem Day – The March to the Temple Mount

On Monday, 21st May 2001 The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement with many other supporters will hold its annual Jerusalem Day march to the Temple Mount. The event will start from the tank on Ammunition Hill at 10:00AM.

Families of Kidnapped Israelis Meet Annan

As part of a renewed campaign to exert international pressure on Hizb’Allah to release information on Israeli MIAs held in Lebanon, family members of the hostages met in New York with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Tuesday.

Israel Celebrates Independence

Israelis today are remembering the country’s nearly 20,000 military personnel killed since late 1947 while defending the Jewish State.

Remembering the Holocaust as Violence Continues

Israelis stood in silence for two minutes this morning as sirens wailed throughout the Jewish State in memory of the five million Jewish adults and one million children slaughtered in the Nazi holocaust of World War Two.

Hebron Enjoys Calm and Bustling Start to Pessach

The normally tense mood in Hebron eased somewhat over the start of the Passover holidays, as thousands of Jews visited the small Israeli enclaves to celebrate the biblical feast and visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Israeli and Palestinian Forces Engaged in Open Warfare

Despite renewed political and security contacts, there has been no let up in recent days in the Palestinian-initiated war against Israel, as IDF forces responded with increasingly heavier firepower to Palestinian mortar and sniper attacks.

Bush Government Retreats: The American Embassy Will Not Be Move to Jerusalem

Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem

Yesterday (February 5, 2001) the American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, retreated from Bush’s campaign promise to start moving the Embassy of the United States from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Bush had promised that his first step on taking office would be to move the Embassy.

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 1/26/2001

Opposition leader Ariel Sharon is still way ahead in the race for prime minister, according to three polls out today. The polls, published in Friday newspapers, showed Sharon ahead by 16 to 18 percentage points. That’s a two point gain for Barak, but hardly an encouragement.

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 1/25/2001

Prime Minister Ehud Barak abruptly suspended peace talks with the Palestinians in Taba, Egypt, after the brutal killing of two Israelis by Palestinian gunmen.

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 1/18/2001

Opposition leader Ariel Sharon has set out his peace plan, in which Israel would not cede any more land to the Palestinians. Sharon confirmed the details of the plan which were published today in the Hebrew daily “Ha’aretz.”

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 1/17/2001

sraeli and Palestinian negotiators say they see no chance of a breakthrough before President Clinton leaves office this weekend. In a sign of the low expectations,

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 1/15/2001

A 32-year-old Jewish resident of the Gaza community of Kfar Yam was found dead today in an onion field on his farm, after he was abducted and killed by Palestinian terrorists while working at his greenhouses. Roni Tsalah went missing lasting night prompting a major search by the Israeli army.

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 12/19/2000

Ehud Barak’s chances of remaining Israel’s prime minister increased dramatically in the middle of last night when the Knesset voted against holding general elections at this time.

Middle East Crisis Headlines – 12/18/2000

Events in Israel continue to swirl in an almost surrealistic dance today as new talk of peace mixes with more violence and final Knesset moves toward early elections next year.

Group Seeks Peace In Time Of War

Nazareth, Israel (November 24, 2000) – Even amidst the turmoil in Israel, construction has started on the grounds of what will be the largest monument to peace on earth. The STAR OF PEACE, an international peace project located in Nazareth, Israel is designed to commemorate the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. To celebrate this occasion a universal monument to peace is being created. People from around the world will have the opportunity to have their name and message engraved in the memorial for the next millennium.

“New York Moment” No Match for Fight Over Eternal Jerusalem

As American, Israeli and Palestinian leaders converge in New York for the UN’s opening Millennium summit, there are no signs of an imminent breakthrough to the negotiating impasse over Jerusalem, only hardening Arab positions and gloomy forecasts of failed diplomacy.

‘Left Behind’ production company tries unorthodox promotion methods

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Cloud Ten Pictures, the production company responsible for “Left Behind,” a new film dealing with the rapture of the church, has come up with a provocative way to promote the picture before it has a theatrical release. The producers released the video to stores on Oct. 31.

Israel in Dual with PA Over Ramallah

The city of Ramallah is serving as the showcase in a battle of wills between the new government of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the recoiling regime of PLO chief Yasser Arafat over the use of economic sanctions and blockades to douse the violent Palestinian uprising.

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