Secret document reveals: EU will help Arabs take over Area C

A document drafted by the European Commission in Eastern Jerusalem calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords.

Netanyahu government set for swearing-in Thursday, but hurdles remain

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu will attempt to swear in his governing coalition of far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties on Thursday, Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin said Monday, with the former premier looking to retake power before a deadline to get his unruly partners in line.

Israel’s Netanyahu Preparing Controversial Government

Israel’s prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu prepared for a busy political weekend Friday after confirming that he would lead what critics say is the most right-wing coalition in Israel’s history.

Joe Biden Inches Toward War with Iran, Makes Israel Full Military Partner

Preparing for any potential war against Iran, the Biden administration has formally elevated Israel in military planning. Israel’s changed status comes as the U.S. military refocuses from the ‘war on terror’ to potential combat with the big four—China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

Knesset Committee discusses whether a new minister will be appointed for the Third Temple

During a discussion in a Knesset committee concerning a new law, a question was raised about its application after the construction of the Third Temple. Though the suggestion was in jest and generated light-hearted banter, most of the opposition to the law came from the religious MKs while many of the non-religious lawmakers said they supported the law and did not oppose the Temple.

Legislative blitz set to ramp up as jammed bills keep Netanyahu government at bay

A week of furious legislative activity meant to pave the way for Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government has yet to yield any amendments addressing the demands of his potential coalition partners, with the incoming opposition employing a variety of parliamentary tools to gum the legislative process.

Israeli cows to get their own biometric ID cards

A new facial recognition and biometric system – like those used on people – is coming into use in various dairy farms in Israel, but unlike its purpose in humans, in cows it will be used to identify if the animal is in distress.

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