Messianic channel Shelanu considering legal action against chairman of Israel’s broadcasting council

The directors of GOD TV’s Messianic channel Shelanu are considering legal action against Israel’s media oversight council for falsely and publically accusing them of using deception to obtain their broadcasting license. Shelanu’s license was revoked after the chairman of Israel’s Council for Cable and Satellite Broadcasting wrongly stated the channel had presented its target audience as Christians when its actual purpose was to reach Jewish audiences with the Gospel.

Top Democrat announces $500 million funding for Israel defense

The top Democrat on the US Senate Armed Services Committee has announced a funding package of $500 million for Israel’s missile defense as part of a key US defense bill, the Time of Israel (ToI) reports. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the announcement Tuesday even as four progressive Congressional Democrats are demanding cuts in US aid to Israel if it proceeds to annex parts of the West Bank.

Iran may be developing missiles that can reach Europe

According to analysis by the Breaking Defense digital magazine, Iran may be developing a type of missile that can reach targets in the middle of Europe, Israel Hayom reported Tuesday. Breaking Defense believes the Iranians may be disguising a missile program as the space launch vehicle development.

Netanyahu: Applying Israeli law in Judea and Samaria will advance peace

In a recorded address to the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Virtual Summit 2020 on Sunday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touted the application of Israeli law to areas of Judea and Samaria—part of the “Peace to Prosperity” plan unveiled by U.S. President Donald Trump in January.

Netanyahu to evangelicals: We have no greater friends

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Christian supporters of Israel in the US on Sunday in a video message during an annual conference of Christians United for Israel, an evangelical organization with millions of members in the United States.

Head of Israeli Satellite Council suspends license of Israeli Messianic TV channel

The head of Israel’s Communication and Satellite Council has accused Israeli Messianic channel Shelanu TV of violating its broadcasting agreement and has suspended its license, CBN News reported Sunday.  Council Chairman Asher Biton claimed Shelanu falsely stated an intention to appeal only to Christians when it actually intended to broadcast Christian content to Jewish viewers in Israel. Vigorously denying any attempt to deceive, Shelanu has published its original agreement to prove there was no contractual violation.

Messianic congregation wins decisive legal victory against anti-missionary organization

After suffering many years of sustained harassment by anti-missionary group Yad l’Achim, the Beit Hallel Messianic congregation in Ashdod has just won a lawsuit against the organization, Kehila News Israel (KNI) reports. In a resounding victory for believers in Israel, a local court issued a restraining order against Yad l’Achim activists that prevents them, among other things, from coming within 100 meters of Beit Hallel property and congregants’ private homes.

Israel and United Arab Emirates to cooperate on COVID-19

Israel and the United Arab Emirates are set to join forces in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jerusalem Post reports. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the partnership in a statement on Thursday, saying the decision to cooperate had come after months of intense negotiation.

Archaeologists find remains of Christian settlement in Galilee

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has published a report on its finding an ancient Christian settlement in northern Israel in 2007, CBN News reported. Located in the Galilee area, the rural settlement was likely destroyed during the Persian conquest in 613 AD, the IAA report says.

Knesset advances bill to enable Shin Bet surveillance in coronavirus fight

The cabinet and the Knesset voted on Wednesday to advance legislation that would enable the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) to use its digital tools to track coronavirus patients. The bill passed a preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum by a vote of 44 to 33, but still must pass additional readings in a Knesset committee and the plenum next week in order to become law.

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