Two More Explosions at Sensitive Sites in Iran

Iran saw two further explosions at sensitive sites Sunday, with fire at a petrochemical plant in the Khuzestan province and a blast in a building believed to hold gas cylinders in Tehran, Fox News reported. These incidents were the latest in a series of sometimes deadly, mysterious explosions that have been taking place at military or infrastructural sites since June 26.

Hamas naval commander, suspected ‘collaborator,’ flees Gaza to Israel

A senior naval commander in the armed wing of the Hamas terror group, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, fled the Gaza Strip to Israel after suspicions arose that he was working for Israel as a so-called “collaborator,” according to unsourced reports in the Palestinian media.

Iranian and Syrian regimes sign military agreement

Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad has signed a military cooperation agreement with Iran’s Islamic extremist regime, Algemeiner reports. The deal was concluded Wednesday, reportedly as part of an effort to increase Syria’s air defenses against “pressures by America.”

British PM concerned about annexation, asks Netanyahu to negotiate with Palestinians

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he is concerned about Israel’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank, the Jerusalem Post reports. In a phone call Tuesday, Johnson said annexation would hinder the prospect of peace in the region and asked the Israeli PM to return to negotiations with the Palestinians.

US notifies UN of withdrawal from World Health Organization

The Trump administration has formally notified the United Nations of its withdrawal from the World Health Organization, although the pullout won’t take effect until next year, meaning it could be rescinded under a new administration or if circumstances change.

Another explosion in Iran

The latest in a series of unexplained blasts at sensitive sites in Iran, a further explosion reportedly killed two people and injured three at a factory in Tehran early Tuesday morning, the Times of Israel (ToI) reports. A local governor stated the blast was caused by human error but some have suggested it may be part of sustained sabotage campaign.

Likud Surges in Recent Polls

A new poll shows that if Israeli elections were held today, the Likud party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would remain the most popular party, with Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party trailing in fourth place, Israel News reported.
The poll conducted by Professor Yitzhak Katz of Maagar Mochot for 103 FM Radio showed Likud would win 38 seats, Yesh Atid-Telem 17 seats, the Joint Arab List 15 seats, and Blue and White 10 seats.

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