Intense Israeli protests against government

Following demonstrations in Tel Aviv, protestors took to the streets of Jerusalem this week to prevent the passing of a controversial law that would give Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government powers to impose extensive COVID-19 restrictions on the population without parliamentary oversight until June 2021, CBN News reports.

Twitter determines Jewish Star of David is ‘hateful image’

The Twitter social media platform has again determined that the Jewish Star of David constitutes “hateful imagery” and has locked the accounts of several users who posted the star on their profile, the Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday. Twitter made the exact same determination in February 2018, but overturned its decision following outrage expressed by users.

Ethiopia, Egypt reach ‘major common understanding’ on dam

Ethiopia’s prime minister said Tuesday his country, Egypt and Sudan have reached a “major common understanding which paves the way for a breakthrough agreement” on a massive dam project that has led to sharp regional tensions and led some to fear military conflict.

Israel approves next phase of massive gas pipeline to Europe

The government on Sunday approved the advancement of the Eastern Mediterranean gas pipeline project, a massive 6 million Euros ($7 billion) venture that will carry gas from Israel’s offshore oil fields to Europe, the news website The Marker reported.

Cyber-attacks against Israel’s water infrastructure

Israel’s Water Authority has confirmed that two cyber-attacks were carried out against the country’s water infrastructure in recent weeks, Ynet News reported Thursday. These attacks follow an alleged attack by Iran on Israel’s drinking water in April. In a statement, the water authority said no damage had been caused in the latest attacks.

Hamas admits a naval officer spied for Israel

A military spokesman for Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, has confirmed that one of its commanders had been a spy for Israel and had now defected to the Jewish state, Media Line reported Thursday. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Israel: New surge in COVID-19 cases may cause return to lockdown

Israeli officials are anticipating the likelihood of renewing a nationwide lockdown as the country had 1,575 new cases of COVID-19 Monday, the Times of Israel reports. With a population of fewer than nine million residents, Israel has now had over 43,000 cases, including over 23,000 currently active cases and 375 coronavirus related deaths.

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