Israel has taken out 1/3 of Syrian air defenses in last two years

Israel has destroyed one-third of Syrian air defenses in the past two years, and close to a thousand surface-to-air missiles have been launched towards Israel Air Force jets during missions for its “war-between-wars” campaign targeting Iranian infrastructure in the war-torn country.

US revises UN resolution to extend UN arms embargo on Iran

The United States on Tuesday circulated a revised resolution that would extend a UN arms embargo on Iran indefinitely, seeking to gain more support in the 15-member Security Council where veto-wielding Russia and China have voiced strong opposition.

Israel closes Gaza border crossing after spike in arson balloon attacks

Following waves of explosive balloons launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory over the last few days, Israel will shut the Gaza Strip’s Kerem Shalom commercial crossing beginning Tuesday morning “until further notice,” the Israeli military liaison to the Palestinians announced.

PM: Gov’t aims to start vaccinating all Israelis by early 2021

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured a coronavirus ward at a Jerusalem hospital on Thursday, vowing to do his utmost to ensure Israelis will get access to a vaccine for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, as soon as possible. Netanyahu said the target date to begin widespread vaccination drives is early 2021.

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