Pompeo: We’ll honor Israel’s military edge, but are reviewing arms sales to UAE

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized on Monday that America was committed to maintaining Israel’s military superiority in the region while appearing to hint at an impending deal by which the Trump administration would provide the United Arab Emirates with advanced fighter jets.

Israel pushes for changes in UN’s Lebanon peacekeeping force

As the United Nations prepares to renew the mandate of its peacekeeping operation in southern Lebanon, Israel is working with Security Council members to push for tough changes in the way the force deals with the Hezbollah militant group, Israeli officials said Wednesday.

US, Russia still at odds over new nuclear arms treaty

United States and Russia concluded two days of arms control talks Tuesday with the two sides still at odds over the US demand to include China in any new treaty, but showing signs of a possible willingness to extend the existing New START deal, which expires next year.

Kushner: No urgency for Israeli sovereignty in West Bank

Israel will not proceed with applying sovereignty to parts of the West Bank without America’s support, and the US will not agree to it for “some time,” White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner said in a briefing with Middle Eastern media outlets on Monday.

Iran, Turkey lash out at UAE over agreement with Israel

Iran and Turkey lashed out at their regional rival the United Arab Emirates on Friday over its decision to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel, accusing it of betraying the Palestinian cause, even as much of the international community welcomed the move.

Israel’s virus-battered economy sees sharpest contraction in 45 years

Surpassing the most dire economic forecasts on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, Israel’s gross domestic product plunged by 28.9 percent in the second quarter of 2020, as compared to the first quarter, in the worst economic downturn in over 40 years, according to an official estimate Sunday.

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