Christian watchdog says abduction of Coptic Christian women and girls in Egypt is a “bane”

A Christian watchdog group has published a report describing the widespread trafficking and abduction of Coptic Christian women and girls in Egypt as a “bane”, CBN News reports. Coptic Solidarity released its report “Jihad of the Womb: Trafficking of Coptic Women & Girls in Egypt” last Thursday. The report will be submitted to United Nations agencies and the US Office for Trafficking in Persons.

Bulgaria Jails Two Men Over Bus Bombing Killing Israeli Tourists

A Bulgarian court sentenced two Islamic militants to life imprisonment without parole over a 2012 bus bombing that killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian driver in an attack blamed on Lebanon’s Shi’ite Muslim group Hezbollah.

Dozens Killed In Christian Area Of DRC

At least 58 people were killed, and 17 kidnapped when Muslim militants attacked two villages in the mainly-Christian north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), aid workers said Tuesday.

More Christian Converts Flee Iran As Crackdown Intensifies

Three Iranian Christian converts have fled Iran following the rejection of their appeals, rights activists confirmed. “Kvian Fallah-Mohammadi, Hadi Asgari, and Amin Afshar-Naderi were facing a combined 35 years in prison because of their faith,” said advocacy group International Christian Concern (ICC).

Sudan Christians Face Church Torching, Opposition

Several devoted Christians in and around Sudan’s main cities are reportedly prevented from worshiping by authorities and angry mobs despite government pledges to end over three decades of hardline Islamic rule.

Trump: ‘Historic 9/11 Agreement Between Bahrain and Israel’

On the anniversary of the worst-ever Islamic acts of terrorism, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a hopeful “historic breakthrough to further peace in the Middle East” with Bahrain establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel.

Donald Trump Iraq, Afghanistan troop drawdown fulfills promise, fuels criticism

President Trump checked off a key campaign promise Wednesday with a major drawdown of U.S. troops in Iraq and an even greater reduction in Afghanistan coming soon, but skeptics say the moves reflect U.S. political imperatives and not the chaos and violence both countries are likely to face down the road.

Slaughter of Christians in Nigeria continues

Muslim Fulani herdsmen are suspected of murdering three members of the Evangelical Church Winning All denomination in Nigeria’s Kaduna state early on Sunday morning, the Christian Post reports. Two church members were also abducted in the same attack and a further five were kidnapped in a separate attack on a nearby community the same day. The killings and abductions are the latest in ongoing murderous assaults by Islamic extremist terrorists on Christian communities in Nigeria.

CENTCOM: US Will Cut Troop Levels in Afghanistan to 4,500

The U.S. military is reducing troops in Afghanistan from 8,600 to about 4,500 by early November, the head of U.S Central Command said Wednesday, hours after he announced the withdrawal of more service members from Iraq this month.

Growth of Christianity in Iran: number of believers approaching 1 million

A new survey on the growth of Christianity in Iran suggests there could soon be 1 million Iranian Christians living in the Islamic Republic, CBN News reports. Carried out by the non-profit Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran (GAMAAN), the survey questioned 50,000 Iranians, 90% of whom live in the country. The survey showed that 1.5% of respondents identified as Christian.

Worthy Christian News