Couple Flees Syria After Threats For Converting To Christianity
A woman who left Islam for faith in Christ and her Christian husband have fled Syria after police violence and threats from Muslim family members, friends, confirmed to Worthy News.
A woman who left Islam for faith in Christ and her Christian husband have fled Syria after police violence and threats from Muslim family members, friends, confirmed to Worthy News.
Christians in Morocco are expected to enjoy greater religious freedom since the September 8 election of a new liberal government, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The recent election resulted in victory for the National Rally of Independents party, bringing the 10-year reign of the Islamist Justice and Development Party to an end.
Christians in Pakistan’s border area near Afghanistan fear more attacks from the Islamist Pakistan Taliban group, aid workers told Worthy News.
Two Christian sanitation workers have died in Pakistan’s Punjab province while saving a Christian colleague tasked with clearing a poisonous sewer, rights activists said Thursday.
Young Christian women and underaged girls in Afghanistan have appealed for help as they fear being abducted as brides for Islamist Taliban fighters, a Christian broadcaster announced Tuesday.
Boko Haram Islamic terrorists murdered two Christians and set many homes on fire during an October 5 attack on a Christian community in Chibok in Nigeria’s Borno state, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Over 3,400 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants this year.
The slaughter of Christians by Islamic extremists in Nigeria continues: on Friday 15 October, Fulani militants murdered a father and his 8-year old son together with the driver for a representative of rights organization International Christian Concern (ICC) as the three traveled on a motorbike in Plateau state, ICC reports. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its annual report this year that Nigeria is becoming a killing field for Christians.
Israel is advancing military plans to confront Iran’s nuclear program and oppose the Islamic Republic’s growing influence in the region.
Two Islamists in eastern Uganda have been charged with murdering Pastor Barnabas Musana of Nangonde Sub-County on September 12, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The two men are believed to have killed Pastor Musana because he was leading Muslims to Christ through evangelistic events and public debates about Islam and Christianity.
Church officials hope more Christian youngsters will be released after suspected Islamic kidnappers in Nigeria freed five students and the matron of Bethel Baptist High School in Nigeria’s Kaduna State.
The father of the suspected killer of British Conservative legislator David Amess says he is “traumatized” by his son’s arrest.
British police say Friday’s killing of British legislator Sir David Amess at a Methodist church in southeast England was a terror attack potentially linked to Islamist extremism.
A dozen people were killed in recent months as Turkey increased airstrikes as part of an alleged “anti-terrorist military campaign” in Syria and Iraq targeting Christians and other minorities, rights investigators say.
Two men in eastern Uganda have been detained and charged in the September 12 killing of a Christian evangelist, Christian sources confirmed Friday.
British Conservative legislator David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times while holding a constituency gathering at a Methodist church in southeast England, officials confirmed.
Israel has prevented dozens of Jewish families of the ultra-Orthodox sect Lev Tahor from fleeing to Iran amid fears they could be used as bargaining chips by Tehran, Worthy News learned Friday.
Christians have appealed for prayers after suspected Islamic militants raided a church and villages in northern Nigeria, killing dozens of people.
The United States and Israel have announced they are considering alternative options for dealing with Iran in the event the Islamic regime refuses to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal and comply with the limits on uranium enrichment set out in the 2015 agreement, AP reports. After former president Donald Trump withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran, the Islamic regime began enriching uranium to levels exceedingly far above the amount agreed to in the deal.
Norwegian police say the bow-and-arrow rampage by a man who killed five people in a small town near Norway’s capital appeared to be an Islamic terrorist act.
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Monday that archaeologists excavating in Yavne, central Israel, recently unearthed the largest Byzantine-era wine production facility ever discovered, the Jerusalem Post (JPost) reports. While also home to Jews and Samaritans 1,500 years ago, Yavne was an important, primarily Christian, city at the time.