Nigeria’s Defense Minister Says Muslims Plan to Wipe Out Christianity

ABUJA, Nigeria (Compass) — Muslim leaders aim to eradicate Christianity in northern Nigeria, says Nigeria’s Defense Minister, Lt. General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma. Danjuma told a gathering of the Northern (Nigeria) Christian Elders Forum (NOSCEF) on April 20 in Abuja, the federal capital, that Christians are now under severe pressure. He urged the Christian leaders assembled at the All Saints Anglican Church not to be intimidated.

Pakistan’s Christians Told to ‘Protect Themselves’

ISTANBUL, September 9 (Compass) — In the wake of two more deadly terrorist attacks against Christian institutions in Pakistan in early August, government security officials have advised local church leaders to arm themselves for possible assaults by Muslim extremists.

Pakistan Sentences Another Christian to Death

ISTANBUL, July 1 (Compass) — Another Christian was sentenced to death in Pakistan two days ago, joining Ayub Masih in the line-up of Pakistani Christians on death row for alleged blasphemy against Islam.

Religion in Public Schools: “under God” Pledge Out; Prayer to Allah In?

ANN ARBOR, MI) – In the same week that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, a federal lawsuit was filed in San Francisco Monday after Christian students across California were forced to pretend they were Muslims for three weeks, praying in the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful, chanting Praise to Allah, picking a Muslim name from a list to replace their own name and to stage their own Jihad via a dice game.

Christians Secretly Forced to Re-Convert to Hinduism in India

BANGALORE, India (Compass) — The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Organization, VHP) is secretly conducting large-scale conversion drives in India’s Marxist-ruled state of West Bengal. More than 16 tribal Christians were forced to re-convert to Hinduism on April 22 at a purification ceremony in Chopra village in the Malda district about 300 kilometers from Calcutta, NGO sources said. Ten other animist tribals were also converted to Hinduism in the village.

Two Foreign Christians Remain Held by Saudi Authorities

SANTA ANA, CA (ANS) — Terry Madison, U.S. president and CEO of Open Doors with Brother Andrew has said that Saudi Arabia’s treatment of two expatriate Christians is further proof of why this desert Kingdom is among the world’s worst persecutor of Christians.

Sudan Amputates Chrstian’s Hand for Theft

ISTANBUL, March 6 (Compass) — The government of Sudan amputated a Southern Sudanese Christian’s right hand for alleged theft in late January, furthering evidence that the Islamist regime has begun enacting harsh Muslim punishments against both Christian and Muslim citizens within the past three months.

Mob Destroys Church in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

SOUTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA (ANS) — A mob has destroyed a church in the predominantly Muslim city of Makassar in South Sulawesi, according to a report from The Barnabas Fund.

Traditional Values Coalition Joins Israel Solidarity Rally In Washington, DC

Washington, DC – This afternoon, Traditional Values Coalition Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon will join with thousands of Christians, Jews, and other religious groups in an Israel Solidarity Rally to be held at the U.S. Capitol Building between 1-3 p.m. An estimated 50,000 Israel supporters will participate in this event. Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to be the featured speaker at this event.

U.S. Missionary Hostage Killed in Philippine Rescue Attempt

AUSTIN, Texas, June 7 (Compass) — Kidnapped American missionary Martin Burnham was killed today in a Philippine military raid to rescue him, his wife, Gracia, and a Filipina nurse, New Tribes Mission (NTM) has confirmed.

International Church Attakecked in Pakistan

ISTANBUL, March 18 (Compass) — Unidentified terrorists hurled grenades into a Protestant worship service in the diplomatic quarter of Pakistan’s capital city yesterday, killing five worshippers and wounding another 40 members of the congregation.

Karachi Gunmen Murder Pakistani Welfare Workers

ISTANBUL, September 25 (Compass) — Armed gunmen attacked a Pakistani Christian welfare organization in Karachi this morning, then escaped after killing seven Christians and leaving an eighth critically injured.

Kazakstan Christians Persecuted and Fined

ASTANA / BUDAPEST , (ANS) — Leaders and other believers of non registered Baptist and Evangelical churches in the former Soviet republic of Kazakstan are experiencing a new period of persecution by central authorities, reports said Monday July 1.

Graham stands by statement calling Islam ‘wicked’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (BP) — Evangelist Franklin Graham is not backing away from his statements aired on a national news program that Islam is “wicked, violent and not of the same god.”

Christians Surrounded in Central Indonesia

LONDON (Compass) — A “second Ambon” is brewing in Indonesia according to Christian leaders as a 3,000-strong Muslim jihad force closes in on 28,000 Christians in Tentena, Central Sulawesi. Ambon refers to an area in eastern Indonesia where thousands have died in Muslim-Christian conflicts.

Christians Under Attack in Poso, Indonesia

Radical Islamic warriors are continuing their rain of terror on the Christians of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. A VOM source has confirmed that 21 Christian villages in the Poso coastal area have been burned and destroyed and at least 7 people have been killed within the past week.

Indonesia: The “Inside” Story

The events in Central Sulawesi are finally beginning to get the attention of major newspapers. An article in the New York Times December 1 said, “Thousands of Christian villagers on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi are fleeing attacks by armed Muslim paramilitary forces.” The article quoted a Roman Catholic priest, “Thousands have fled…What could they do? Their houses have been burned. The police came yesterday, but it was too late.”

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