Federal Appeals Court upholds Texas ban on most abortions during coronavirus pandemic

A federal Court of Appeals has allowed Texas to continue its ban on most abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. Tuesday’s ruling overturns a lower court’s decision to block the state’s ban on non-essential abortions. The ban remains in place while the case moves on to be heard by a federal court in Austin next week.

Iran Releases Another Jailed Christian Convert

Iranian authorities have released another Christian convert from prison amid concerns the new coronavirus COVID-19 could spread in overcrowded jails, Christian activists said Monday. Amin Khaki, 38, learned from prison authorities Monday that he should not return to jail, confirmed well-informed advocacy group Middle East Concern (MEC). “It is expected that he will be able to reclaim the money put down as security,” MEC told Worthy News.

Texas Governor decrees religious services are “essential services”

In an amendment to his March 19 executive order on limiting the spread of coronavirus, the Governor of Texas has decreed that attending “religious services conducted in churches, congregations, and houses of worship” is as important as shopping for food or going to medical appointments. The executive amendment came into effect on April 2.

Poll finds almost half of Americans see coronavirus crisis as wake-call to return to God

According to a recent survey, 43.4% of American adults believe the coronavirus crisis is a wake-up call for the US to return to God. Nearly three-in-ten respondents (29.4%) said they think the outbreak and subsequent financial devastation are signs of the Biblical “Last Days.” The poll was conducted for the Joshua Fund (JF), a major US Christian charity.

World risks permanent surveillance with coronavirus controls

More than 100 civil society groups urged governments Thursday not to use the global coronavirus pandemic as cover for future pervasive electronic snooping but instead make sure data is erased once the health crisis is over.

Britain’s Queen Invokes World War II In Coronavirus Address

Queen Elizabeth II says Britons will overcome the new coronavirus pandemic if they confront the crisis with the same resolve that carried the nation through other trials and tragedies. Invoking the spirit of World War Two, the British monarch urged Britain in televised remarks to demonstrate the determination as generations of the past.

Iran Frees Christian Converts Over Coronavirus Concerns

Iran has released a Christian woman who was jailed after refusing to reconvert to Islam, activists confirmed to Worthy News. Rokhsareh (Mahrokh) Ghanbari, 62, is among some 85,000 prisoners freed in recent weeks amid concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19.

Continued harassment for Christians during coronavirus outbreak

Christians in China have reported ongoing harassment from government authorities during the coronavirus crisis. China is ranked as one of the world’s worst countries in the persecution of Christians, according to the Open Doors USA’s World Watch List.

European leaders say EU at risk of breaking up over coronavirus

A former European Commission president has said the coronavirus crisis may result in the break-up of the European Union. In a rare statement last weekend, Jacques Delors said the lack of European solidarity in dealing with the crisis presented “a mortal danger” to the EU. Others have expressed similar concerns.

Morgan Stanley: ‘World Facing Deep Global Recession’

The world’s largest investment bank and financial services company warns of a “deep global recession” due to the new coronavirus pandemic. New York-based Morgan Stanley says worldwide economic growth could slow by as much as 0.9 percent this year. “[The virus] COVID-19 is at once a human tragedy and unparalleled synchronous shock, affecting both the demand and supply sides of the global economy,” writes Morgan Stanley chief economist Chetan Ahya in a note.

Dutch Daily: ‘World Searching For Leader Amid Coronacrisis’

With roughly half the world in lockdown and many politicians weak or ill, the largest Dutch daily concludes in a headline: “World searching for LEADER.” De Telegraaf (The Telegraph) also expresses that “Nobody takes the lead in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.” Its commentator, Frank van Vliet, complained: “While the world is on fire, international politicians are running in one direction to put out their fire. No leader has taken the lead, and solidarity is lacking. They did not read author Alexander Dumas’ Three Musketeers because “one for all and all for one” has been replaced by “own people first.”

S&P 500 heads for worst first quarter since 1938

U.S. stock markets steadied on Tuesday at the end of the worst first quarter for the S&P 500 since 1938 amid growing evidence of the largescale damage caused by the collapse in oil prices and business activity due to the coronavirus.

Four Christian aid workers kidnapped in Iraq have been released

It is confirmed that four French Christian aid workers have been freed after they were kidnapped in Iraq in January. A statement from President Marcron’s office on March 27 informed that the Élysée Palace had made ‘every effort to reach this outcome.’ The statement thanked Iraqi authorities for their cooperation but gave no details or information about any conditions of the workers’ release.

Newly established US Space Force launches first security mission

The recently established United States Space Force has launched its first national security space mission. Amidst precautions pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic, a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying a Lockheed Martin Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF-6) satellite took off from Cape Canaveral on 26 March.

Haredi in Israel the lone resisters of government takeover

Israel’s ultra-orthodox Haredi community is facing fines and arrests for resisting draconian government regulations that forbid prayer services and prevent a person from walking 328 feet outside their home except in emergencies.

President Trump signs $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package

President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill Friday just hours after it passed in the House, making law out of a package that will send billions of dollars directly to Americans and provide hundreds of billions more for businesses, health care systems and others impacted by the pandemic that has crippled the economy.

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