US Report: Iran is continuing its misinformation campaign against minority faith groups

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) attests in its new report published this month that Iran’s Ja’afri Shi’a Islamic regime is continuing a misinformation campaign of propaganda against religious minorities it began last year. Neither Non-Muslim citizens nor adherents of other Islamic traditions are afforded equal protection under the law in Iran, the USCIRF reports attest.

As NATO Grows, China and Russia Seek to Bring Iran, Saudi Arabia Into Fold

In the East, however, security and economy-focused blocs led by Beijing and Moscow are looking to take on new members of their own, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, two influential Middle Eastern rivals whose interest in shoring up cooperation on this new front could have a significant impact on global geopolitical balance.

Iran-Russia alliance grows as Biden heads to Mideast amid rising threats

President Biden’s Mideast trip risks getting upstaged by Vladimir Putin, who is headed to the region directly after Mr. Biden for meetings in Iran — a move the Kremlin announced a day after the Biden administration accused Tehran of supplying drones to aid Russia‘s war in Ukraine.

Biden, Lapid to sign ‘Jerusalem Declaration’

U.S. President Joe Biden will sign a “Jerusalem Declaration” on Thursday, alongside Prime Minister Yair Lapid, in which the two leaders will pledge never to allow Iran to attain a nuclear weapon.

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