Violence Against Christians Increases as Elections Draw Close in India’s Karnataka State

On September 17, 2017, suspected Hindu radicals attacked an Assembly of God church in India’s Karnataka state. After the attack, church attendance has plummeted as Christians in the area fear another attack. It is not surprising that attacks are increasing in Karnataka as state elections are scheduled to occur early next year. Hindu hardline groups want to silence Christians and ensure that they are unable to practice their faith.

Don’t get violent over Viral Videos

blankA open letter by the Bishop of Karachi reminded all religious that living in the Internet age means their faiths will be mocked and that the mockery will find its way to them anywhere in the world.

Pakistan plans to destroy minority identities in Parliament

blankIn a recent press release, the President of the Pakistan Christian Congress claimed that his government was planning to amend its constitution, replacing the phrase, “Reserved seats for Christians, Hindus, Ahmadi, Sikh and others,” to simply “Non-Muslims,” thus destroying the separate identities of millions of religious minorities living in the Islamic Republic.

Pakistan’s Christian Slaves

blankThousands of Pakistani Christians live like slaves in Punjab’s Muslim-owned brick kiln industry.

Hindus fail to stop prayer meeting

india mapMore than 30,000 Christians recently took part in a prayer meeting in Hubli, Karnataka despite efforts by pro-Hindu groups to disrupt them.

India Hindu Militants To “Behead” Evangelists

IndiaThe leader of a hardline Hindu group wants India’s constitution to legalize the killing of Christian evangelists and, for instance, promoters of other non-Hindu religions.

India: Karanataka Boys Beaten, Arrested for Converting to Christ

india mapChristians are regularly attacked in Karnataka by Hindu nationalists, while the authorities “turn a blind eye,” according to Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, concerning yet another case of abuse against so called forced conversions.

Worthy Christian News