Hamas Considering Military Rule in Gaza

Hamas is reportedly considering advancing an unprecedented move in the Gaza Strip in response to the harsh sanctions imposed on it by the Palestinian Authority. This is a scenario that has been taken into account in Israel and could lead to chaos in the Gaza Strip. A source within Hamas said that the organization’s military wing recently submitted a proposal to the organization’s political leadership, suggesting Hamas create a political and security vacuum in the Gaza Strip by waiving its management of the Gaza Strip.

Fatah to Hamas: Dismantle the government in Gaza

Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of the Fatah Central Committee who is responsible for internal Palestinian affairs, revealed on Tuesday that over the past 10 days he had held direct and indirect contacts, through other countries, with the leadership of Hamas.

‘Day of Rage’ Called for by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Israel

Security forces in Israel and the West were on high alert Wednesday, with mass civil disobedience expected after Palestinian leaders called for a “Day of Rage” after Israel imposed increased security measures on the Temple Mount after a terror attack killed two policemen on Friday.

Hamas looks to join PLO, marking major unification step

Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal made a rare plea on Wednesday for uniting his popular Palestinian Islamist movement with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), bringing it, for the first time, into the umbrella group recognized internationally and by Israel as the representative of the Palestinians.

Hamas spends $100 million a year on military infrastructure

As the residents of the Gaza Strip endure daily hardships due to the dire economic situation in the enclave, their Hamas leaders spend over $100 million a year on the group’s military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, according to estimates by both Israeli and Palestinian sources. Spending on digging tunnels accounts for some $40 million of that annual sum.

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