Gun, ammunition purchases by credit card will be coded

The international organization responsible for creating merchant category codes for credit card purchases has given its approval to establish one for transactions made at gun stores.

U.S. President Joe Biden Signs Gun Control Bill

U.S. President Joe Biden signed Saturday the most sweeping gun control bill in nearly 30 years after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the legislation. “Lives will be saved,” he said at the White House. Citing the families of shooting victims, the president said: “Their message to us was to do something. Well, today, we did.”

Texas Mourns 21 Victims After School Shooting

Evidence has emerged that the gunman who killed 19 children and two teachers in the U.S. State of Texas warned on social media he would shoot his grandmother and attack a school.

Texas lawmakers approve bill to carry handgun without license or background check

The Republican-led legislature in Texas has approved a bill that will allow people to carry a handgun with no license, background check, or firearm training, CBS News reports. Although law enforcement groups have said the bill will endanger both the police and the public, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has said he will sign the measure into law.

Biden to Unveil Actions on Guns, Including Naming New ATF Boss

U.S. President Joe Biden will unveil a series of executive actions aimed at addressing gun violence on Thursday, according to a person familiar with the plans, delivering his first major action on gun control since taking office.

Record 4.7M FBI Gun Background Checks in March

A month which saw multiple mass shootings — including high-profile murders in Georgia and Colorado — also featured a record number of FBI-conducted background checks for firearm purchases, complicating the narrative at a time Democrats are trying to push new gun control legislation.

Colorado Shooting Wrap-Up, Biden Calls for Gun Control

President Joe Biden, responding to the deadly shooting in Boulder, Colorado, that left 10 dead, called for Congress to immediately pass “common sense” gun control measures, including the two bills recently passed by the House.

House debates gun control legislation

The US House of Representatives has begun to debate two bills that would, respectively, expand firearm background checks, and extend the time-frame for conducting background checks on gun purchases, the Washington Examiner reports. Both bills were passed by Democrats in 2019 but the Republican-led Senate discarded them at the time.

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