This is how a brokered convention would work

It’s possible that Donald Trump and Ben Carson simply don’t understand what would trigger a brokered convention to nominate the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential candidate.

Teflon Don: Trump rises again in latest poll

Donald Trump remains the clear Republican front-runner across the nation, and is defying the predictions of pundits again by gaining steam less than two months before the Iowa caucuses, according to a new poll.

Ryan Nominated House Speaker By GOP

Republicans picked Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as their nominee to be the next speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, uniting around the former vice presidential candidate ahead of a tough vote on a budget deal.

McConnell Says Federal Government Will Not Close

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday said he would get legislation passed to fund the federal government in time to avoid any agency shutdowns on Oct. 1.

Why Can’t the Kentucky Clerk Get Bail?

Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has been jailed without bail since Thursday for refusing to allow her office to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Republicans National Debate Stirs High Emotions

Donald Trump spanked the press, the rest of the GOP presidential field, and politicians in general, calling them “stupid” and refusing to commit to supporting the eventual 2016 Republican nominee, kicking off the first prime-time debate of the 2016 nominating contest Thursday by saying he can’t be sure anyone else will be able to match his tough-talking solutions.

Senate Democrats block effort to defund Planned Parenthood

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked an effort to revoke federal funding for Planned Parenthood, following hours of debate and commentary from members of the Senate and 2016 candidates about women’s health care.

GOP aiming for Friday Trade Vote

House leaders, confident but not yet certain they have the support to pass sweeping trade legislation, are aiming to bring the package to a floor vote by the end of this week – even as they rush to resolve a last-minute hangup over how to pay for aid to displaced workers.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Republicans Criticize Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran

Fallout from the Obama administration’s preliminary nuclear deal with Iran stretched from Capitol Hill to Jerusalem on Easter Sunday, with lawmakers vowing to push ahead with legislation that would give them, not the president, the final say on whether the agreement crosses the finish line.

Republicans Changing Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage

Although the Republican Party’s official platform calls for a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as “the union of one man and one woman,” the Republican National Committee commissioned a report calling for more “inclusive and welcoming” tones on divisive social issues – particularly those “involving the treatment and the rights of gays.”

D.C. Political Earthquake: Cantor Loses to Tea Party Candidate

In a stunning upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia lost a Republican primary to Tea Party challenger, David Brat, on Tuesday in an election that was called by pundits as the “political earthquake” that rocked Washington.

Tea Party Makes Strides in Texas Republican Primaries

The tea party has won big in Texas. In virtually every Republican match up in Texas, candidates have espoused the movement’s talking points, attended groups’ forums, and adopted their issues.

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