Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

McCain Returning Home to Arizona, Will Likely Miss Tax Vote

Republican Sen. John McCain is returning home to Arizona after being hospitalized for the side effects of his brain cancer treatment and likely will miss a crucial vote on the GOP tax package, President Donald Trump said Sunday.

Democrat Doug Jones defeats Roy Moore in Alabama race upset

In a stunning victory aided by scandal, Democrat Doug Jones won Alabama’s special Senate election on Tuesday, beating back history, an embattled Republican opponent and President Donald Trump, who urgently endorsed GOP rebel Roy Moore despite a litany of sexual misconduct allegations.

House, Senate conferees to meet publicly Wednesday on tax legislation

The House-Senate conference committee working to finalize a tax bill will meet publicly Wednesday to work on the final version of the legislation, chairman Kevin Brady of Texas announced Friday, and GOP members are also expected to work through the weekend to reach an agreement.

FBI Finally Investigates Planned Parenthood’s Human Remains Trafficking Scheme

After years of investigations that began primarily due to whistleblower videos, the FBI has finally decided to investigate Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human remains from abortion. Between that and the Center for Medical Progress’s latest undercover video showing how PP colluded with medical company StemExpress to sell the most aborted baby parts for the most profit, the GOP should finally defund this shady organization that still receives a large guaranteed taxpayer subsidy.

Next week: House, Senate move on tax reform

House and Senate Republicans will take up separate tax reform proposals next week as they race to complete legislation by the end of the year.

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