Church Building Demolished in Zanzibar, Tanzania

A congregation on Tanzania’s semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar has been without a place to worship this year after local authorities demolished their church building, the pastor said.

Open Doors Has Rebuilt 678 Homes in a Christian Community That Were Destroyed By ISIS

The organization Open Doors has announced that they have joined with partners in Iraq to restore almost 700 homes destroyed after ISIS rose to power in the Nineveh Plains. Many local Christians fled their communities when the radical Islamic group took over large portions of Iraq and Syria, abandoning their homes — many of which were ransacked, fell into disrepair or destroyed.

Congress’ budget deal affirms church access to FEMA disaster aid

Churches for decades have had to fend for themselves when hurricane winds ripped off the chapel roof while the nonprofit YMCA next door — because it’s not religious — pocketed Federal Emergency Management Agency payments to repair similar damage to its building.

UN Demands Iran’s Islamic Regime Give Christians a Fair Trial

Four U.N. human rights experts have issued a joint statement, urging Iran to ensure ‘a fair and transparent final hearing’ at the country’s Revolutionary Court for three Iranian Christians who have been sentenced for ‘conducting evangelism’ and ‘illegal house church activities,’ among other charges.

Pro-life Advocates Win Court Victory in Free Speech Case

On January 29, 2018, a federal judge told participants in a lawsuit forcing pro-life sidewalk counselors to defend themselves against harassment charges, that leafletting is a “form of really protected speech,” and that sidewalks are recognized as the “quintessential public forum.” The words from the bench underscored the arguments of Thomas More Society Special Counsel Martin Cannon. Cannon is defending a group of pro-life advocates who are being charged by New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman in a federal lawsuit that accuses them of threats and violence against abortion clinic patients.

China Crackdown on Unregistered Churches

Christians have been detained, and churches shut down or destroyed in China in the month before revised Regulations on Religious Affairs are due to come into effect on 1 February.

Damascus Bombs Kill 9 in Christian Village

Families in Syria are grieving after a barrage of mortars struck a predominately Christian district near Damascus Monday, killing nine and wounding 21 others.

Pastor Found Dead in Tamil Nadu, India

The body of a pastor in southern India was found hung from the thatched roof of his house early Saturday morning (Jan. 20), a week after he complained to police about opposition from Hindu extremists, sources said.

Worthy Christian News