Rwanda closes thousands of churches in bid for more control

Rwanda’s government has closed thousands of churches and dozens of mosques as it seeks to assert more control over a vibrant religious community whose sometimes makeshift operations, authorities say, have threatened the lives of followers.

Egyptian government gives legality to 53 churches

A special committee set up to review church registration applications legalised the status of 53 Egyptian churches and related buildings on 26 February, but thousands more still await registration.

Shocking 51% of US Christians Have Never Heard of the Great Commission

It’s one of the most well-known passages in the Bible that commands followers of Jesus Christ to ‘go and make disciples of all nations,’ yet a new study shows a shocking number of American Christians have never heard of what is commonly known as ‘the Great Commission.’

Syrian Christians Hunted by Radical Jihadists

Many Christians – all of them former Muslims – feared a genocide as they saw radical Islamic groups on their way to the Syrian city of Afrin. CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talked with one humanitarian aid worker who helped these Christians find a safe haven.

Atheists Challenge Kansas County Over Prayer Before Meetings

Local government officials in the second most populous county in Kansas are grappling with a challenge by atheists to a decades-old practice of opening meetings with prayer, prompting a Sedgwick County Commissioner to say during a public meeting Tuesday that if they don’t believe in God, he doesn’t care if they ‘go to hell.’

Christian Family Stabbed at Home by Armed Group in Baghdad

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on March 9, 2018, a Christian family of three living in Baghdad was found dead in their home. An investigation showed that they had been stabbed to death the previous day by an armed group and their valuables were stolen. The victims are Dr. Hisham Shafiq al-Maskuni, his wife Shaza Malik, and his elderly mother Khairiya Dawood.

In Isolated World of Pastors, Churches Mum on Troubling Clergy Suicides

An alarming number of pastors have taken their own lives in the last five years. And despite the increasing prevalence of suicide nationally, and the troubling rates at which the epidemic has been affecting certain groups of clergy, many churches remain silent on the issue.

ISIS Focuses on U.S. Embassy Attacks, Kidnappings of Westerners

The weekly Islamic State newsletter that usually focuses on internal headlines within remaining caliphate territory devoted a section to discussing attacks on U.S. embassies and kidnappings of westerners in locales not usually touched by the terror group.

Worthy Christian News