China Closes Megachurches Before Christmas

A week after Chinese pastor in China released his viral letter on faithful disobedience amid a government raid on his church, Communist authorities once again shut down worshippers from Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu—one of the most prominent unregistered churches in the country—as well as Rongguili Church in Guangzhou—one of its first underground Christian communities.

Meet the pastors behind Brazil’s new pro-Israel foreign policy

Evangelicals in Brazil grew from 6.6 percent in 1980 to 22.2 percent in 2010, according to the 2010 census. Today, evangelicals constitute an estimated 27 percent of Brazil’s population. By comparison, American evangelicals make up about 25 percent of the religious landscape in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center.

Researchers split on breakthrough gene-edited human babies

The announcement that a Chinese researcher had successfully delivered the first genetically edited human babies was met with both celebration and condemnation in a contentious debate over the ethics of modifying DNA to influence the human gene pool.

Over 20 Detained for Sharing Gospel in China

More than 20 Christians were arrested on October 20 as they were evangelizing on the streets. During the ordeal, the members of the Church were not discouraged but continued to evangelize and share the love of Christ.

Worthy Christian News