Ex-Terrorist Leads Indonesia’s Christian Convert Movement

The married-father-of-three has come a long way since he nearly blew up a Protestant church in Jakarta. Author Ahmad Quraisy, which isn’t his family name, was a commander of the feared Islamic State of Indonesia (NII), an Indonesian militant group. But the former Islamic terrorist now leads an underground movement in Indonesia converting Muslims to Christianity or, in his words, ‘personal faith in Christ.’

Gospel Spreads as Coronavirus in Indonesia’s Jungle Villages

They suggest their faith in Christ spreads as fast as the new coronavirus. Pentecostal pastors of several Muslim dominated jungle villages in Indonesia’s South Sumatra province report church growth. That’s despite local protests, poverty, and occultism. ‘I even received one hundred boxes of tiles from the village chief to complete our church building,’ explains Pastor Frani Pondaag.

Finnish MP under investigation for supporting biblical view of sexuality

A Finnish Member of Parliament is under investigation for expressing the biblical view of sexuality in a series of television interviews, police charging her with “hate speech” in a case that civil liberties groups are seeing as a harbinger of ill-fortune for free speech.

Iran’s leadership falls prey to coronavirus

Iran’s leadership has been hit especially hard by the coronavirus, as the Islamic Republic predicts that 40% of residents in its capital of Tehran will be infected by the spreading virus within two weeks.

Saudi Crown Prince Eliminates Opposition

The Saudi crown prince has arrested two former rivals in a move that many see as an attempt to position himself to seize the throne from his 84-year-old father.

Worthy Christian News