Uganda: Muslim arrested for murdering Christian pastor

A Muslim man has been arrested for the April 5 murder of a Christian pastor in eastern Uganda, Morning Star News reports. Pastor Yolonim Oduchu died of poisoning in Pallisa District after he refused to sell a piece of land to Aliasa Opeduru, one of a group of Muslims who wanted the land to build a mosque.

Finnish MP charged with “hate speech” for sharing Biblical views on marriage and sexuality

Finnish lawmaker Päivi Räsänen faces imprisonment after being charged with three counts of “hate speech” because she publically shared her Biblical views on marriage and sexuality, ADF International reports. Räsänen was subject to lengthy interviews and a year of waiting before the Finnish Prosecutor General finally decided to bring charges against her.

Nepal: Hindu extremists use false document to discredit Christianity

As part of a campaign to discredit Christianity, Hindu extremists in Nepal forged a document they falsely attributed to the Nepal Christian Society (NCS) and the National Churches Fellowship of Nepal (NCFPN), in which they presumed to show these charities want to create an ethnic division for evangelistic purposes, Morning Star News reports.

Laos pastor released after a year in prison

Authorities in Laos have released a Christian pastor who was imprisoned for a year for holding church services without a permit, Mission Network News reports. Laos currently ranks 22 on the Open Doors Watch List of countries that persecute Christians.

China’s five-year campaign to suppress religious freedom affects believers

A major annual report issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) earlier this month, has highlighted China’s five-year campaign to suppress religious faith, including Christianity, in the country, CNS News reports. The Chinese Communist party is pursuing a program of “sinification” or “sinicization” of religion that began in 2018 and is set to run until 2022.

Papua Churches Urge UN To Help End Attacks

The West Papua Council of Churches urges the United Nations to help end a “humanitarian tragedy” in Indonesia’s Papua region where it says Indonesia’s military kills Christian leaders.

Indiana law: House of Worship are “essential”

Indiana’s Governor Eric Holcomb (R) has signed a new law determining that houses of worship provide essential services, and no restrictions may be placed on them during a declared emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faculty turns against Christian University trustees who abide by Biblical standards

Nearly three-quarters of faculty at the historically Christian Seattle Pacific University (SPU) voted ‘no confidence’ in the school’s board of trustees because the board affirmed the college’s expectation that hired faculty will live by Biblical standards on sexuality, Christian Headlines reports. The faculty vote was triggered after adjunct nursing professor Jéaux Rinedah claimed in January that he was denied a full time teaching position at the school because he is gay.

Christian Missionaries Die Of COVID In India

Christian missionaries and church leaders already suffering persecution in several areas are among those dying of severe symptoms of COVID-19 raging in India, aid workers say.

US President Calls Massacre Of Armenians “Genocide”

More than a century after one of the worst massacres of Christians, U.S. President Joe Biden formally declared the systemic killing and deportation of some 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Empire forces “genocide.”

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