India State Court Orders Reopening Of Mission Group’s Operations

Schools, bank accounts and offices of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI), one of India’s largest evangelical mission organizations, have reopened in the tense state of Rajasthan after being closed for over four months, BosNewsLife learned Friday, June 30.

Christians Around The World Pray For Iran Government

Christians in Iran and around the world prayed Tuesday, June 27, for Iran’s government, amid concerns over persecution of churches and political opponents in the Islamic nation.

Pakistan Woman Raped For Faith in Christ

A young Pakistani Christian was reportedly in hiding with her husband and two young daughters Saturday, June 24, after being attacked and raped for changing her faith– amid signs that militants increasingly use rape as a weapon against Christian converts in Pakistan and neighboring India.

Church in Jos, Nigeria Faces Constant Threats, Damage

For the Gangare area congregation of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) in this central Nigerian city, the first Saturday in June brought yet another difficult day of fending off Muslim opposition.

India Police Search for Suspected Killers of Pastor

Police in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh searched Monday, June 19, for suspects involved in the killing of a 67-year preacher from the Church of South India, while another church leader was still recovering from injuries following an attack against him, religious rights investigators said.

US and Rights Group Condemn Uzbekistan’s Crackdown on Christians

Human rights officials in Europe and the United States expressed concern Wednesday, May 3, over the persecution of Christians in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan, nearly a year after hundreds of people died when security forces opened fire on pro-democracy demonstrators.

India to Release Jailed Bishop Thomas On Bail

The president of one of India’s largest evangelical mission organizations will be released on bail after 47 days of imprisonment on charges related to alleged anti-Hindu activities, officials said Monday, May 1.

More Christians Arrested in Wake of ‘Apostasy’

An avalanche of media coverage of an Afghan man facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity has apparently sparked the arrest and deepening harassment of other Afghan Christians in the ultra-conservative Muslim country.

European Evanglistic Outreach Kicks Off from Munich

One of the biggest evangelistic outreach programs on the European continent has kicked off from Munich, Germany. ProChrist meetings are aired daily via satellite to 1,250 venues in 21 European countries, March 19 through 26.

West Java, Indonesia Churches Told Not to Meet in Homes

A local council in West Java has warned several congregations in the Rancaekek Kencana housing complex in Bandung to abandon their “nomadic” cell group system, which allows limited numbers of Christians to meet together in private homes.

Kidnapped Pastor Released Unharmed in Northeast India

The Rev. Tongkhojang Lunkim was released at 1 p.m. on Saturday (March 18) after being held captive for two months by the Kuki Liberation Army (KLA) in Manipur state, Northeast India.

Palestinian Christians Fear New Hamas Government

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday, February 18, asked the militant group Hamas to form the next Palestinian government but warned he would not accept attacks against the Christian minority.

Worthy Christian News