Town in India Plans Ban on Preaching Non-Hindu Faiths

The Congress Party-led government of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh has decided to enact a law banning preaching of any religion other than Hinduism in Tirupati, a “temple town” in large measure under the administration of its shrines.

Catholic Villagers Attack, Vandalize Baptists

Maronite Catholics attacked a newly-built, independent Baptist church near Beirut this month, mauling churchgoers preparing to host war refugees from southern Lebanon.

Four Christians Attacked Arrested After Service

Hindu extremists on Sunday (August 20) beat four Christians, including a pastor, who were later arrested on charges of ‘forced conversion’ in Madhya Pradesh state.

Pakistan Muslim Militants Attack Christian Villagers; Three Injured, One Missing

Christians in a village near Lahore, Pakistan’s second largest city, continued rebuilding their shattered lives Friday, August 18, after Muslim militants attacked believers, including women and children, and threw hand grenades at the local church during a worship service, investigators said.

Ailing Evangelist Abused In Indonesia Prison, Group Says

An ailing Christian evangelist serving a four-year prison sentence in Indonesia’s West Java province for allegedly defaming Islam has been abused in jail by Muslim militants, Christian investigators said Thursday, August 17.

Native Missionaries Fear More Violence in India Amid Controversial Laws

Native Christian missionaries in India say recently passed anti-conversion laws in several states have added to an atmosphere of hatred against them and will makes it more difficult to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, BosNewsLife learned Thursday, August 17.

Hungary Christians Host Israeli Teenagers Fleeing Rocket Attacks

A group of 18 teenagers from Israel’s war-torn northern area and two adult companions arrived in the Hungarian capital Budapest Wednesday, August 16, for a nine-day holiday organized by the Hungarian Baptist Charity and Malev Hungarian Airlines.

Vietnam Security Forces Attack Christian Tribes; Kill Prisoner

Missionaries on Wednesday, August 16, said Vietnamese authorities have stepped up attacks against predominantly Christian tribes in remote areas of the Communist-run country shortly after a Christian prisoner was allegedly killed by police.

Hindu Extremists Attack Jailed Christian

A group of about 15 Hindu extremists in the southern state of Karnataka on August 4 entered a jail and attacked a Christian businessman accused of compelling his wife to commit suicide.

Copts Lose Homes, Freedom Over Murder Charge

Families of five jailed Christians have lost their homes northeast of Cairo after authorities persuaded them to turn over deeds to their property in exchange for what was supposed to be the release of relatives accused of murder.

Pakistan Christians Report Rapes and Attacks Against Workers

Christian rights investigators have urged the Pakistani government to help end growing violence against the country’s minority Christians, which include rape and attacks against workers, BosNewsLife monitored Monday, August 14.

China Christians Warn Of “Worst Persecution in 140 Years”

Over 20 Christians detained during the demolition of a large church in Zhejiang Province were believed to be still in prison Monday, August 14, amid fears that more churches would be destroyed by Chinese security forces as part of what local believers called the worst persecution in 140 years.

Indonesia Postpones Execution Christians

Amid international pressure, Indonesia postponed on Saturday, August 12, the execution of three Christians found guilty in 2001 of violence against Muslims in the province of Central Sulawesi, apparently minutes before they were to be shot by a firing squad.

China “Tortures” Four Missionaries in Yunan Province

Chinese security forces reportedly arrested and tortured four Christian missionaries, including two women, in Jinghong City of Yunan Province on charges of “superstitious activities,” BosNewsLife learned Saturday, August 12.

Widespread Attacks Against India Christians Amid Tougher Laws

Christians in several states of India braced themselves Sunday, August 13, for a period of more violence amid fresh reports of attacks by Hindu militants and the adoption of tougher anti-conversion laws aimed at halting the spread of Christianity in the world’s largest Hindu nation of over one billion people.

Worthy Christian News