Christian Deaths Climb in Eritrean Prisons

Three Christians imprisoned for the testimony of Christ have died during the past months in Eritrea, including a 42-year-old man in solitary confinement Friday, according to a Christian support organization.

Iran Pastor On Death Row Urges Faith In Christ

An evangelical pastor who faces execution in Iran for refusing to abandon his Christian faith has urged fellow believers to remain faithful to Jesus Christ and the “Word of God” despite persecution, according to a letter obtained by Worthy News.

Two Indonesian Churches Torched

indonesiaTwo house churches in Riau were burned down Tuesday, the latest of a series of attacks on minority religious groups in Indonesia.

Church Attack in Northern Iraq Wounds 23

Although security forces found and disabled two cars packed with explosives in northern Iraq Tuesday, a third exploded outside a Christian church, wounding 23 people.

Arrests in Eritrea Continue

Authorities recently arrested 90 believers in Eritrea as part of a campaign against Christians that began back in December. Although six were eventually released, the whereabouts of the other 84 is unknown.

House Church Pastor In China Detained

china map christiansPastor Shi Enhao, deputy chairman of the Chinese House Church Alliance, has been sentenced to two years of “re-education through labor,” an extra-judicial punishment handed out by police that requires no trial or conviction of a crime, Worthy News has learned.

The “Christian” Terrorist Who Wasn’t Very Christian

norway terrroristAnders Behring Breivik’s 1,500-page manifesto shows that the Norwegian terrorist’s depiction as a “right-wing, Christian fundamentalist” by many in the mass media may be as inaccurate as that of their so-called “Christian” bomber, Oklahoma City terrorist Tim McVeigh.

Iran Releases Christian After Huge Bail Payment

iran flagAn Iranian house church Christian was spending another day in brief freedom Thursday, July 21, after he was temporarily released from jail following the payment of a bail amount of some $101,000 in local currency, Iranian Christians said.

Armenia Evangelicals Under Pressure Amid New Legislation

Rights activists and religious groups in Armenia say new legislation will increase intolerance towards the country’s evangelical Christians and other minorities, some of whom already face prosecution for their church activities.

Laos: Two Church Leaders Languish in Prison

laos prison mapTwo pastors arrested six months ago on charges of holding a “secret meeting” during a Christmas celebration without government approval languish in prison without a trial. Officials continue to offer them the option of renouncing their faith and walking free.

China claims Christian used “superstition” to undermine law enforcement

china map christiansA leader in China’s growing underground church movement who disappeared last month was actually in police custody.

Held on “suspicion of using superstition to undermine national law enforcement,” Shi Enhaoi is one of 150 million Chinese Christians who refuse to join the Communist Party’s Three-Self Patriotic Movement: the only officially sanctioned Protestant church on the mainland.

Kazakhstan: Pastors Charged with Praying

Pastor Yerzhan Ushanov of New Life Protestant Church in Taraz is looking at two years’ imprisonment if criminal charges for injuring an individual’s health ever come to court, Christian rights investigators said.

Iranian Believer Remains in Custody Despite Making Bail

iran mapFarshid Fathi was in solitary confinement for months before he was told that he could be free on $200,000 bail; with great difficulty, his family came up with the cash after selling his father-in-law’s home, but when Fathi was ready to to walk out the prison door, the chief interrogator from the Iranian public prosecutor’s office ordered him back for further questioning.

Iran: Doubts that Pastor’s Death Sentence Has Been Annulled

pastor youcef in iranChristians in Iran have challenged news reports that the death penalty for Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has been annulled pointing out that in reality the Supreme Court appears to have added a precondition requiring him to renounce his faith or face execution, according to an international Christian rights group.

Worthy Christian News