Saudi Convert Criticizes Islam

A Saudi who recently embraced Christianity and fled to Lebanon said she was tired of performing prayers and fasting for Ramadan.

Pakistan plans to destroy minority identities in Parliament

In a recent press release, the President of the Pakistan Christian Congress claimed that his government was planning to amend its constitution, replacing the phrase, “Reserved seats for Christians, Hindus, Ahmadi, Sikh and others,” to simply “Non-Muslims,” thus destroying the separate identities of millions of religious minorities living in the Islamic Republic.

Detained, Beaten, Iranian Pastor Irani Hospitalized

iran-christianThere was mounting concern Tuesday, July 17, about the health situation of jailed and mistreated Iranian Pastor Behnam Irani after he became unconscious and was hospitalized, an official assisting him with advocacy said.

Revolutionary Guards Close Church Properties

iran mapBoth the Central Assembly of God Church in Tehran and its summer campsite have been closed by the Islamic authorities, according to the Farsi Christian News Network.

Condemned Iranian pastor may face new charges

pastor youcef in iranIt’s been almost three years since Iranian officials arrested Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani on charges of apostasy, but now Iranian judges may add crimes against national security and blasphemy, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

Thousands Of Christians Fleeing Syria Amid Torture Allegations

Thousands of Christians have fled their homes in Syria where news emerged Tuesday, July 3, that intelligence agencies run dozens of torture centers where detainees are beaten with batons and cables, burned with acid, sexually assaulted, and have fingernails torn out.

Iranian Imams Fear Spread of House Churches

iran mapThe rise of Christianity and the accompanying spread of its clandestine house churches in Iran is seen as a serious threat by the Islamic state’s senior clerics.

Kazakhstan Acquits Pastor; Azerbaijan Church Threatened With Closure

Kazakhstan’s Supreme Court has acquitted an evangelical pastor on charges of “severe damage to health due to negligence” after praying for an ill man, but devoted Christians in another former Soviet republic, Azerbaijan, were awaiting whether a high court would ban their church.

Pakistan’s Christian Slaves

blankThousands of Pakistani Christians live like slaves in Punjab’s Muslim-owned brick kiln industry.

Buffalo Agrees to Allow Christian Speech

blankThe city of Buffalo has agreed with a court order preventing its officials from removing a Christian from this year’s Italian Festival for speaking about his faith.

Iran Closing Down Tehran Evangelical Church

iran mapEvangelical Christians in Iran’s capital Tehran were without a church building Sunday, June 10, after Iranian security forces closed it down as part of a wider crackdown, Iranian Christians and activists told Worthy News.

Pakistani intel interrogator: Osama’s wives gave little away

blankEven after his death, Osama bin Laden’s three wives remained faithful to their terrorist spouse and gave little away when they were questioned after the al-Qaida head was killed in a US raid more than a year ago, according to a Pakistani intelligence agent who interrogated them.

Worthy Christian News