Syria: Christians increasingly vulnerable to fraudulent property confiscation

Christians from the north-eastern region of war-torn Syria have reportedly become increasingly susceptible to fraudulent property confiscations at the hands of both Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad and the Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Four Baptist Christians Facing Death Hiding In Sudan

Four members of the Sudanese Baptist Church in western Sudan’s Central Darfur state are in hiding amid concerns they may be executed after the men were released on bail, Worthy News learned Monday.

Indonesia: Christian Pastor murdered in Papua province

A Christian pastor was among ten people murdered by separatist gunmen in Indonesia’s Papua province on July 16, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The West Papua National Liberation Army, or TPNPB, the military wing of Papua’s main separatist group, claimed responsibility for the killings.

Uganda: Pentecostal Christian murdered by Islamic extremists

Pentecostal church member Robert Bwenje from Uganda’s Kyankwanzi District has died from injuries he sustained during an attack by Muslim extremists on July 6, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Christianity is legal in Uganda, and Muslims are a minority group there, attacks on believers by Islamic extremists have been increasing at an alarming rate.

Poll: Majority of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in US

A new poll by Lifeway Research has found that 54% of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in the US, and 59% believe that tolerance of Christianity specifically is declining, CBN News reports. The poll found that evangelical believers are more likely (74%) to say religious liberty is declining than those who are not evangelical (48%).

Three US states allow doctors to refuse to carry out medical procedures against their faith

The Republican-led US states of South Carolina, Arkansas, and Ohio now have laws in place allowing doctors to refuse to carry out certain medical procedures against their religious beliefs, Christianity Today (CT) reports. The religious conscience protection laws affect practices related to gender transition, end-of-life care, contraception, and abortion.

China Bans Christians From Platforms

Outspoken Chinese Christians face more restrictions after China’s Communist government banned “illegal religious content” and closed numerous websites, Worthy News learned Saturday.

Sri Lanka PM Orders Military To Restore Order

Christians and other Sri Lankans facing shortages faced uncertainty Wednesday as the prime minister of Sri Lanka ordered the military to “do whatever is necessary to restore order” after protesters stormed his office.

Worthy Christian News