Tennessee school district receives $1.8 million gift for teaching Bible classes

Tennessee’s largest public school district has been given a $1.8 million gift as reimbursement for teaching elective Bible history classes to over 4,500 students in the 2020-21 academic year, Christian Headlines (CH) reports. The gift was given by the Bible in the Schools non-profit organization to Hamilton County Schools in Chattanooga last month.

North Koreans Exposed to the Gospel Through Radio Partnership

Amid anti-Christian propaganda from the oppressive North Korean Kim regime, North Koreans are still hearing the truth of the gospel through a partnership between ICC (International Christian Concern) and FNKR (Free North Korea Radio.)

Archaeological evidence shows Jerusalem affected by Biblical earthquake

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have unearthed evidence that an earthquake described in the Biblical books of Amos and Zechariah affected Jerusalem when it hit the land of Israel during the reign of Uzziah King of Judah in the 8th century BC, Ynet News reports.

Report: North Korea officials may be committing genocide against Christians

A UK Parliamentary group reported last week that government officials in North Korea have been murdering Christians and other people groups at a rate that may amount to genocide, the Washington Examiner reports. The UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea (APPG) said its report is based on evidence of atrocities committed by North Korean officials against various people groups, including Christians, from 2014 to 2021.

Israel: Archaeologists unearth jug which may have belonged to Biblical judge Gideon

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed a jug that dates back 3,100 years to the Biblical time of Judges, and which may have belonged to the Israelite judge Gideon, All Israel News reports. Discovered in southern Israel near Kiryat Gat, the jug has an inscription that reads “Jerubbaal,” a name found only in the Bible and by which Gideon is referred.

China intensifies censorship of religious books in schools

A rights group that focuses on China has reported that, in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, the CCP intensified its nation-wide censorship of religious books and materials, Assist News reports. ChinaAid said in its report that a number of schools received notifications forbidding students to read religious books or use other faith-based materials.

Christian Convert Loses Appeals Court Hearing

Iranian Christians have urged prayers for a Christian convert after an appeals court upheld his 10-month prison sentence for “propaganda against the regime,” Worthy News learned.

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