No arrests in murder of California pastor shot dead in Los Angeles

No arrests have yet been made for the murder of 65-year old California evangelist Rev. Reginald Moore, who was shot dead in broad daylight outside his church in Compton county, Los Angeles on October 24, 2021. Pastor Rev. Reginald Moore was murdered outside the Upper Room Christian Center and was found lying dead in the street holding his Bible and walking cane.

India: Two pastors attacked by Hindu radicals

As persecution of Christians in India continues, Hindu radicals violently assaulted and threatened to kill two pastors in Chhattisgarh state earlier this month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Chhattisgarh state has seen a spike in attacks on Christians following inciting hate speeches against believers made by Hindu nationalists at public rallies.

International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians: Sunday November 7th

International Day of Prayer (IDOP) 2021 falls on Sunday, November 7, and is a day for the international church to pray for believers around the world who have been harassed, silenced, tortured, displaced, wounded, maimed, and imprisoned because of their faith in Christ, CBN News reports.

Algeria Christian Facing Jail For Evangelism

An Algerian Christian who abandoned Islam will soon hear whether he will face a lengthy prison for charges related to what authorities call “suspicious evangelistic activities.”

Persecuted Afghan Christian faces deportation from India back to Afghanistan

An Afghan Christian who fled to India just days before the Taliban took over her country may be deported back to Afghanistan as her visa expires shortly, International Christian Concern reports. Even before the Taliban took over, Afghanistan ranked 2 on the US Open Doors Watch List 2021 of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted; the situation for believers is all the more intensely dangerous.

India: Evangelist in Himachal Pradesh state arrested for distributing Bibles

A pentecostal evangelist in India’s Himachal Pradesh state was arrested Tuesday for distributing Bibles and Gospel pamphlets, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. India ranks 10 on the US Open Doors Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted: the persecution of believers has intensified since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

India: Six more Christians arrested on trumped-up charges brought by Hindu nationalists

At least six Christians have recently been detained by police in India’s Karnataka state after Hindu nationalists leveled false accusations against them, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Rights groups report that Hindu extremists have increasingly abused anti-conversion and blasphemy laws to harass and persecute Christians in India; Hindu nationalists have been emboldened in these endeavors since their Bharatiya Janata party came to power in 2014.

Satanists Decry “Equal Rights” in Attempts to Fight Pro-Life Laws

Satanist groups have launched efforts to reverse the newly enacted pro-life laws in Texas, Ohio, and other states, including a Utah measure that would outlaw most abortions in the event that the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion.

Worthy Christian News