Iran Detains Pastor As Church Faces Closure In Wider Crackdown

A pastor of the Central Assemblies of God (AoG) Church in Tehran was detained Tuesday, May 21, as part of Iran’s wider crackdown on evangelical believers, Christian rights activists confirmed. The arrest of Reverend Robert Asserian came as his church prepared for possible closure by the end of June due to pressure from the feared Iranian Intelligence Ministry, said advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

Report: Iran criminalizes Christian faith

A new report by the International Campaign for Human Rights shows that many Christian customs in Iran are criminalized by the authorities, according to Barnabas Aid.

Initial Report on Riots in Lahore

pakistan-map2The Leadership for Environment And Development (LEAD) has just released an initial report concerning a case of alleged blasphemy in Pakistan that resulted in the repeated burning and destruction of Christian homes and property at the St. Joseph Colony in the neighborhood of Bedami Bagh, north of Lahore, Punjab.

Wife Jailed Iranian-US Pastor Denies Bail Claims

prison-christian-5-shiraz-iranThe wife of a jailed Iranian-American pastor has denied Iran’s claims that her husband will be released on bail as an attempt to “silence the international media.”

Iran Churches Warn Of Christmas Raids, Detentions

iran-christianIranian Church leaders have urged prayers for Christians in Iran amid concerns authorities will raid more house churches and detain believers over the Christmas and Western New Year period.

Syrian Christians Face Starvation, Deadly Attacks

Minority Christians in Syria’s largest city Aleppo said they face starvation after dozens of believers already died in targeted attacks rocking Christian areas of the war-torn country.

Belarus Not To Evict Massive Evangelical Church

One of the largest evangelical congregations in Belarus confirmed that authorities at the last moment decided not to evict them from their building, following years of judicial wrangling.

62-year-old Missionary Shot in Pakistan

blankA Protestant missionary remains in critical condition in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, after she was shot by gunmen multiple times Tuesday.

Pakistani Pastor denied Bail for Blasphemy

blankA Pakistani Pastor arrested for blasphemy in Sanghla Hill, Punjab Province, was denied bail Tuesday, according to the Pakistan Christian Post.

Crackdown On Evangelicals In Central Asian States

Authorities in three Central Asian nations have launched a crackdown on evangelical Protestant churches and several believers are reportedly mistreated, fined and detained.

Uzbek Math: 2 Bibles = 5 years

In Uzbekistan, having more than one Bible can make you a missionary, and being a missionary in Uzbekistan can get you five years in jail.

9/11: Atheists and Islamists vs. Christianity

world tradeAlthough America is on alert against terrorists every Sept. 11, on this anniversary, the threats are now coming from domestic atheists after the Christian Cross as well as Muslim clerics in Cairo burning Bibles.

Moscow Destroys Russian Pentecostal Church

A congregation of evangelical Christians in Russia’s capital Moscow were without a church building Tuesday, September 11, after workers with bulldozers and other equipment destroyed their Holy Trinity Pentecostal Church complex, protected by local police, witnesses said.

Pakistan Christian Homes Torched, Churches Attacked After Jailing Girl

pakistanMuslims torched Christian homes and “destroyed” a church in a slum area of Islamabad while suspected militants shot at another church outside Pakistan’s capital, after the jailing of a mentally handicapped Christian girl for “blasphemy”, witnesses said Tuesday, August 21.

Mosul Iraq’s ‘Most Dangerous City’ For Christians

Mosul is now one of the most violent cities in Iraq with Christians and other minorities singled out for attacks and thousands continue to flee from the troubled nation, a Christian group said Thursday, August 16.

Worthy Christian News